摘 要
水泵叶轮是微型汽车上发动机冷却系统中离心式水泵的重要零件。本文分析了水泵叶轮零件的结构特点, 计算了该叶轮的展开尺寸, 确定了该工件的冲压成形工艺及各工序尺寸, 对全套模具的总体结构设计进行了比较详细的论述,并在此基础上确定了叶轮冲压模具零件的具体结构和尺寸,在生产合格零件的基础上尽量提高生产效率,降低生产成本。主要介绍了叶轮零件冲压成形应包括的基本工序方案,工艺参数计算,模具结构设计、尺寸等。关键词:水泵叶轮; 冲压; 工序; 模具设计
The Pressing Process Analysis and Die Design of Pump Impeller
The pump impeller is an important parts of the centrifugal pumps which was used for the minicar’s engine cooling system. The structure characteristics of the pump impeller were analyzed, and calculated the expanding dimension of this parts, determined pressing forming process of the pump impeller and dimensions of each working procedure, and described the structure design of whole sets of dies in detail, And on that basis determine the structure and size of the impeller stamping die specific parts. To maximize production efficiency and reduce production costs in the production of qualified on the basis of parts. Main introduction of this text leaf round project of basic work preface for spare parts washing pressing take shaping should including; The craft counts the calculation; Molding tool construction design, size...etc.Key words: pump impeller; pressing process; die design;
目 录
摘 要 IIIAbstract IV
第一章 前 言 1
1.1选题背景 1
1.2 课题相关调研 1
1.2.1 本课题及相关领域的国内外现状及发展 1
1.2.2 模具技术的发展现状 2
第二章 工艺分析计算 3
2.1 零件及其冲压工艺性分析 3
2.2 确定工艺方案 4
2.3主要工艺参数计算 7
2.3.1 落料尺寸 7
2.3.2拉深道次及各道次尺寸 9
第三章 模具设计 14
3.1 落料、拉深复合模 14
3.1.1模具结构 14
3.1.2 模具工件部分尺寸及公差计算 15
3.2修边冲孔模 17
3.2.1模具结构 18
3.2.2 模具工件部分尺寸及公差计算 18
3.3 切槽模 21
3.3.1模具结构 21
3.3.2 模具工件部分尺寸及公差计算 22
3.4 翻边模 23
3.4.1模具结构 23
3.4.2 模具工件部分尺寸及公差计算 24
第四章 结 论 27
参考文献 28
谢 辞 29