摘 要
Stamping die is in the press on the use of metal ( or non-metallic ) sheet put pressure for the separation or plastic deformation, resulting in a certain shape, and to meet certain requirements to use parts of the processing methods. As is usually at room temperature ( cold ) carried out under, also known as cold stamping. Cold stamping can not only processing of metallic materials, but also processing of non-metallic materials and composite materials, this design required to obtain a straightness high square gasket, due to the thickness of only 1mm, adopting a stamping method can quickly obtain large quantities of better technology parts, parts of the machining process is greatly simplified, cost low. At present, the forming process is widely used in machining. Through the process of the correct parts of comprehensive analysis, design a few layout of blanking punching compound die. This design is described in detail in the mold part includes a convex die, a concave die, punch and other components such as discharge plate, plate, plate, a guide column, a guide sleeve, die in the design and fabrication process, to be part of the process parameter selection.Selection and calculation, blanking mechanism and discharge devices and other structural design process, and focuses on the design of the mold is introduced in detail.
Key words: Punching; Blanking; Punch and die; mold design; selection of standard parts.
摘要 Ⅰ冲压是利用冲模在压力机上对金属(或非金属)板料施加压力使其产生分离或塑性变形,从而得到一定形状,并且满足一定使用要求的零件的加工方法。由于通常是在常温(冷态)下进行的,所以又称为冷冲压。冷冲压不但可以加工金属材料,而且还可以加工非金属材料和复合材料,本设计中需要得到一个平直度较高的方形垫片,由于厚度只有1mm,采用冲压的方法能够快速得到大批量的工艺性较好的零件,使零件的加工工艺过程大大简化,成本低。目前,冲压成型工艺在制造加工方面运用十分广泛。通过对本工件工艺的正确综合分析,设计了一幅少废料排样的冲孔落料复合模。本设计中详细地叙述了模具成型零件包括凸模、凹模、凸凹模及其他零件如卸料板、固定板、垫板、导柱、导套、模架等的设计与加工工艺过程,要零件的工艺参数的选
Stamping die is in the press on the use of metal ( or non-metallic ) sheet put pressure for the separation or plastic deformation, resulting in a certain shape, and to meet certain requirements to use parts of the processing methods. As is usually at room temperature ( cold ) carried out under, also known as cold stamping. Cold stamping can not only processing of metallic materials, but also processing of non-metallic materials and composite materials, this design required to obtain a straightness high square gasket, due to the thickness of only 1mm, adopting a stamping method can quickly obtain large quantities of better technology parts, parts of the machining process is greatly simplified, cost low. At present, the forming process is widely used in machining. Through the process of the correct parts of comprehensive analysis, design a few layout of blanking punching compound die. This design is described in detail in the mold part includes a convex die, a concave die, punch and other components such as discharge plate, plate, plate, a guide column, a guide sleeve, die in the design and fabrication process, to be part of the process parameter selection.Selection and calculation, blanking mechanism and discharge devices and other structural design process, and focuses on the design of the mold is introduced in detail.
Key words: Punching; Blanking; Punch and die; mold design; selection of standard parts.
Abstract Ⅱ
1 加工零件的工艺性分析 1
1.1 材料 1
1.2 工艺性 1
1.3 尺寸精度 1
2 冲裁工艺方案的确定 2
2.1冲裁方案 2
3 排样 3
3.1 计算毛坯尺寸、合理排样、计算材料利用率 3
3.1.1 排样方式的选择 3
3.2 搭边值的确定 3
3.3 条料宽度的确定 4
3.4 材料利用率的计算 4
4 压力机的选择 5
4.1 冲裁力的计算 5
4.2 卸料力、顶件力的计算 6
4.3 确定压力机公称压力 7
4.4 冲模压力中心的确定 8
5 冲裁模间隙值的确定 8
6 凸模与凹模刃口尺寸的确定 9
6.1 计算方法 10
6.1.1 刃口尺寸计算 11
7 冲裁模主要部件和零件的选择 12
7.1 工艺零件 13
7.1.1 凸模 13
7.1.2 凹模 14
7.1.3 凸凹模 16
7.2 定位零件 17
7.2.1 条料横向定位装置 17
7.2.2 条料纵向定位装置 17
7.3 卸料、顶件零件 18
7.3.1 卸料装置 18
7.3.2 顶件装置 19
7.3.3 推件装置 20
8 模架及零件 20
8.1 模架 20
8.2 导向装置 21
8.3 上下模座 22
9 其他支撑零件 23
9.1 模柄 23
9.2 凸模固定板、凸凹模固定板 24
9.3 凸模垫板、凸凹模垫板 25
9.4 紧固件 26
9.4.1螺钉尺寸 27
9.4.2销钉尺寸 27
参考文献 28
致谢 29