摘 要
The design of a punching, blanking die. Through access to information, we must first process the parts analysis, technology analysis and comparison by using the punch blanking process, through the blanking force, the top pieces of force, discharge force of the calculations to determine the type presses. In the analysis of the stamping process to select the desired type of mold for the mold. Types obtained after the design of the mold die parts of the various working parts of the design process of expression.
In the first part of the document, the main account of the development of stamping die, stamping die shows the importance and significance of this design, then is the stamping industry analysis, completed the material utilization rate calculation. Calculation of force during the blanking process and the work of some of blanking die design calculation, provide the basis for the selection of stamping equipment. Finally, the choice of the main components.
The design described blanking compound die stamping design and working process.Reliable performance of the mold, smooth operation, improved product quality and production efficiency, reduce labor intensity and production costs.
Keywords: Stamping: Blanking punch: Compound Die: die structure
目 录
1 前言 1
1.1冲压的概念、特点及应用 1
1.2 冲压的基本工序及模具 2
1.3 冲压技术的现状及发展方向 3
2 零件工艺性分析 7
3.拉深工艺及拉深模有设计 8
设计要点 8
3.1有凸缘圆筒形件的拉深方法及工艺计算 8
3.2宽凸缘圆筒形件的工艺计算要点 9
3.3、拉深凸模和凹模的间隙 10
3.4拉深凸模,凹模的尺寸及公差 10
3.5凹模圆角半径 rd 11
3.6凸模圆角半径rp 12
4、冲裁工艺及冲裁模具的设计 13
4.1、凸模与凹模刃口尺寸的计算 13
4.2、凸、凹模刃口尺寸的计算方法 13
4.3落料和冲孔。 13
4.3.1落料 13
4.3.2冲孔 14
4.3.3凹模洞的类形 15
4.4.4凹模的外形尺寸 16
5、模具的其它零件 17
5.1、模架 17
5.2.模柄 18
5.3、卸料板 19
5.4.弹顶和推出装置 20
5.5、导向装置(导柱 导套) 20
5.6、固定零件(固定板、垫板) 21
5.7、连接零件 21
6模具总装图 23
7、压力机的选择 26
8.模具的装配 28
8.1.模具的装配 28
8.2凸、凹模间隙的调整 29
9 冲压模具零件加工工艺的编制 30
10结论 32
参考资料 33
致谢 34
The design of a punching, blanking die. Through access to information, we must first process the parts analysis, technology analysis and comparison by using the punch blanking process, through the blanking force, the top pieces of force, discharge force of the calculations to determine the type presses. In the analysis of the stamping process to select the desired type of mold for the mold. Types obtained after the design of the mold die parts of the various working parts of the design process of expression.
In the first part of the document, the main account of the development of stamping die, stamping die shows the importance and significance of this design, then is the stamping industry analysis, completed the material utilization rate calculation. Calculation of force during the blanking process and the work of some of blanking die design calculation, provide the basis for the selection of stamping equipment. Finally, the choice of the main components.
The design described blanking compound die stamping design and working process.Reliable performance of the mold, smooth operation, improved product quality and production efficiency, reduce labor intensity and production costs.
Keywords: Stamping: Blanking punch: Compound Die: die structure
目 录
1 前言 1
1.1冲压的概念、特点及应用 1
1.2 冲压的基本工序及模具 2
1.3 冲压技术的现状及发展方向 3
2 零件工艺性分析 7
3.拉深工艺及拉深模有设计 8
设计要点 8
3.1有凸缘圆筒形件的拉深方法及工艺计算 8
3.2宽凸缘圆筒形件的工艺计算要点 9
3.3、拉深凸模和凹模的间隙 10
3.4拉深凸模,凹模的尺寸及公差 10
3.5凹模圆角半径 rd 11
3.6凸模圆角半径rp 12
4、冲裁工艺及冲裁模具的设计 13
4.1、凸模与凹模刃口尺寸的计算 13
4.2、凸、凹模刃口尺寸的计算方法 13
4.3落料和冲孔。 13
4.3.1落料 13
4.3.2冲孔 14
4.3.3凹模洞的类形 15
4.4.4凹模的外形尺寸 16
5、模具的其它零件 17
5.1、模架 17
5.2.模柄 18
5.3、卸料板 19
5.4.弹顶和推出装置 20
5.5、导向装置(导柱 导套) 20
5.6、固定零件(固定板、垫板) 21
5.7、连接零件 21
6模具总装图 23
7、压力机的选择 26
8.模具的装配 28
8.1.模具的装配 28
8.2凸、凹模间隙的调整 29
9 冲压模具零件加工工艺的编制 30
10结论 32
参考资料 33
致谢 34