Abstract:The design of the compound die punching, blanking, a flanging. Through access to information, the first part to process analysis, through process analysis and comparison, the punching flanging die, punching through, the top pieces, such as the discharge of calculation, determine the type of die. The design of the mold type after the working parts mold design process of expression.
In the first part, mainly describes the development of stamping dies, illustrates the importance of stamping dies, then stamping process is analyzed to determine the completion of the process plan. The second part, the part layout diagram design, complete the calculation of material utilization. Then the blanking force calculation and design calculation of blanking die working parts, provide the basis for the selection of stamping equipment. Finally the design and standards on the main parts selection, provide the basis for drawing and the mould forming the mold design. The design drawing mold parts drawing and assembly drawing.
The die is reliable performance, stable running, able to adapt to the requirement of mass production, improve product quality and production efficiency, reduce labor intensity and production cost.
Keywords: punching compound die; die structure
目 录
7.1 冲压模具制造技术要求 31
7.2 加工要求 31
7.3 主要零、部件加工工艺 32
7.3.1內制件冲孔凸模的加工工艺 32
7.3.1內制件落料凸模的加工工艺 32
7.3.2 中制件凸模加工工艺 32
7.3.3 外制件凸模的加工工艺 33
7.3.4外制件凹模的加工工艺 33
总结 34
参考文献 35
Abstract:The design of the compound die punching, blanking, a flanging. Through access to information, the first part to process analysis, through process analysis and comparison, the punching flanging die, punching through, the top pieces, such as the discharge of calculation, determine the type of die. The design of the mold type after the working parts mold design process of expression.
In the first part, mainly describes the development of stamping dies, illustrates the importance of stamping dies, then stamping process is analyzed to determine the completion of the process plan. The second part, the part layout diagram design, complete the calculation of material utilization. Then the blanking force calculation and design calculation of blanking die working parts, provide the basis for the selection of stamping equipment. Finally the design and standards on the main parts selection, provide the basis for drawing and the mould forming the mold design. The design drawing mold parts drawing and assembly drawing.
The die is reliable performance, stable running, able to adapt to the requirement of mass production, improve product quality and production efficiency, reduce labor intensity and production cost.
Keywords: punching compound die; die structure
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 模具行业的发展现状及市场前景 1
1.2 冲压工艺介绍 1
1.3 冲压工艺的种类 2
1.4 冲压行业阻力和障碍与突破 3
2 零件工艺性分析 7
2.1 结构与尺寸工艺分析 7
2.2 精度 7
2.3 材料 7
3 确定冲裁工艺方案 8
4 确定模具总体结构方案 9
4.1 模具类型 9
4.2 操作与定位方式 9
4.3 卸料与出件方式 9
4.4 模架类型及精度 9
4.5 凸模设计 9
5 工艺设计计算 10
5.1 排样设计与计算 10
5.2 计算冲压力与压力中心,初选压力机 11
5.3 计算凸、凹模刃口尺寸及公差 14
6 模具主要零部件设计 17
6.1 凹模设计 17
6.2 凸模设计 18
6.2.1 凸模的结构形式与固定方法 18
6.2.2 凸模长度计算 18
6.2.3 凸模的强度与刚度校核 18
6.2.4 凸模材料和技术条件 19
6.3 凸凹模的设计 20
6.3.1 凸凹模的结构形式与固定方法 20
6.3.2 校核凸凹模的强度 22
6.3.3 凸凹模尺寸的确定 22
6.3.4 凸凹模材料和技术条件 22
6.4 定位零件 22
6.5 推件 (顶件)装置 23
6.6 卸料与出件装置 24
6.7 模架及其它零件的选用 26
6.7.1 模柄 26
6.7.2 模座 27
6.7.3 垫板 28
6.7.4 冲压设备的选择 30
7 模具主要零件加工工艺规程的编制 311.1 模具行业的发展现状及市场前景 1
1.2 冲压工艺介绍 1
1.3 冲压工艺的种类 2
1.4 冲压行业阻力和障碍与突破 3
2 零件工艺性分析 7
2.1 结构与尺寸工艺分析 7
2.2 精度 7
2.3 材料 7
3 确定冲裁工艺方案 8
4 确定模具总体结构方案 9
4.1 模具类型 9
4.2 操作与定位方式 9
4.3 卸料与出件方式 9
4.4 模架类型及精度 9
4.5 凸模设计 9
5 工艺设计计算 10
5.1 排样设计与计算 10
5.2 计算冲压力与压力中心,初选压力机 11
5.3 计算凸、凹模刃口尺寸及公差 14
6 模具主要零部件设计 17
6.1 凹模设计 17
6.2 凸模设计 18
6.2.1 凸模的结构形式与固定方法 18
6.2.2 凸模长度计算 18
6.2.3 凸模的强度与刚度校核 18
6.2.4 凸模材料和技术条件 19
6.3 凸凹模的设计 20
6.3.1 凸凹模的结构形式与固定方法 20
6.3.2 校核凸凹模的强度 22
6.3.3 凸凹模尺寸的确定 22
6.3.4 凸凹模材料和技术条件 22
6.4 定位零件 22
6.5 推件 (顶件)装置 23
6.6 卸料与出件装置 24
6.7 模架及其它零件的选用 26
6.7.1 模柄 26
6.7.2 模座 27
6.7.3 垫板 28
6.7.4 冲压设备的选择 30
7.1 冲压模具制造技术要求 31
7.2 加工要求 31
7.3 主要零、部件加工工艺 32
7.3.1內制件冲孔凸模的加工工艺 32
7.3.1內制件落料凸模的加工工艺 32
7.3.2 中制件凸模加工工艺 32
7.3.3 外制件凸模的加工工艺 33
7.3.4外制件凹模的加工工艺 33
总结 34
参考文献 35