关键词:汽车行业 ;压铸模具 ;寿命 ;质量
Design basis
Mainly to the design of structural components of the design, layout structure is based on the functional components of life and mould design, the overall demand for die-casting components are : to produce precision in size, appearance, physical capabilities, and other aspects of the required quality products. To the use of warning for high efficiency, automation, operate; Advanced manufacturing from the perspective of requirements structured, easy to manufacture, low cost.
Die-casting molds affect the quality plastic products. First, the instrument mould cavity shape, size, surface smoothness, sub-type face, chin runner and exhaust ducts location and drawing of patterns ways to copy size accuracy and shape precision and hard physical performance, mechanical properties, electrical properties, which stress size, with the sexual, exterior quality, surface smoothness, bubble, dents, char and silver patterns, and others have important implications.
Keywords: ca r ; Die-casting ; Throttle ; Quality
目 录
设计总说明 I
introduction II
1 压铸机的压铸过程简述 1
1.1 热室压铸机的压铸过程 1
1.2 冷室压铸机的压铸过程 1
1.2.1立式冷室压铸机的压铸过程 1
1.2.2高效率,自动化 1
1.2.3大型、超小型及高精度 2
1.2.4革命模具制造工艺 2
1.2.5标准化 2
1.2.6开发计算机辅助设计和辅助制造(CAD/CAM) 2
2 压铸合金 4
2.1 对压铸合金的基本要求 4
2.2 压铸件合金选择 4
2.3 压铸件及其技术要求 4
3 压铸机的结构及主要组成 5
3.1 卧式冷室压铸机 5
3.2 压铸机选用 5
3.2.1 计算压铸机所需的锁模力 6
3.2.2 确定比压 6
3.2.3 计算胀型力 6
3.2.4 模具厚度与动模座板行程核算 7
4浇注系统 7
4.1内浇口的设计 8
4.2 横浇道的设计 11
4.3冷料穴的设计 13
4.4 排溢系统和冷却系统的设计 13
5 型腔和分型面的设计 13
5.1型腔数的确定及其型腔布局 13
5.2 分型面的确定 13
5.3 模板设计 15
5.4 动模镶块设计 15
5.5 定模镶块设计 16
6 导向系统的设计 17
6.1 导柱的选用 17
6.2 导套的选用 17
7 零件的测绘 17
7.1 测绘的概述 17
7.2零件草图的绘制 18
设计总结 19
鸣 谢 20
参考文献 21
附 录 22