本设计题目为底座垫板的冲孔模具设计,体现了典型冲孔模具设计的要求,内容与方向。通过工艺分析,工艺方案的确定,确定了模具设计的方向, 对毛坯尺寸的确定,计算冲裁力,来计算压力中心,选择压力机和压力机的吨位。
关键词: 冲孔模.凸模.凹模
This design topic designs for The piercing die design of the dunnage backup plate, body now typical model The piercing die design of request, contents and direction.Pass the craft analysis, the craft project really settles, making sure the direction of The piercing die design, really settling to the blank product size, computing to the blanking pressure, compute the pressure center, choose the tonnage of the pressure machine and the pressure machine.
This design made use of to hurtle foundation knowledge of blanking craft and The piercing die design. First, Analyzed the function request of the plank material, did preparation for the type that chooses to the die, is also convex, in the meantime, the material of punch and cavitydie had a basis.Analyze to hurtle a characteristic of cut the piece behind, make sure the molding tool design parameter, choose other spare partses and unload to anticipate device.Is also convex, the calculation of the cave mold size had a basis.Still there is spare parts to process a craft.
That die is a single work preface piercing die.But while hurtling to cut once, the bore is special many, hurtle to cut dint also very big, for lowering to blank pressure, adopt stairs to hurtle to cut.
Keywords: The piercing die . punch . cavitydie
目 录
摘要 I
绪论 1
第1章 工艺分析 3
第2章 工艺方案的确定 4
第3章 主要设计计算 5
3.1 冲裁力计算 5
3.2 压力中心的确定 6
3.3 工作零件刃口的计算 7
第4章 模具的总体设计 11
4.1模具类型的选择 11
4.2定位方式的选择与定位零件的设计 12
4.3 卸料 出料元件的选择 12
4.4导向方式的选择 12
4.5工作零件的结构设计 13
4.6卸料部件的设计 15
4.7模架的选择及其他零件的设计 16
4.8模具总装配图 17
4.9冲压设备的选定 18
4.10模具工件零件的加工工艺 18
第五章 模具的装配 21
总结 22
致 谢 24
参考文献 25
本设计题目为底座垫板的冲孔模具设计,体现了典型冲孔模具设计的要求,内容与方向。通过工艺分析,工艺方案的确定,确定了模具设计的方向, 对毛坯尺寸的确定,计算冲裁力,来计算压力中心,选择压力机和压力机的吨位。
关键词: 冲孔模.凸模.凹模
This design topic designs for The piercing die design of the dunnage backup plate, body now typical model The piercing die design of request, contents and direction.Pass the craft analysis, the craft project really settles, making sure the direction of The piercing die design, really settling to the blank product size, computing to the blanking pressure, compute the pressure center, choose the tonnage of the pressure machine and the pressure machine.
This design made use of to hurtle foundation knowledge of blanking craft and The piercing die design. First, Analyzed the function request of the plank material, did preparation for the type that chooses to the die, is also convex, in the meantime, the material of punch and cavitydie had a basis.Analyze to hurtle a characteristic of cut the piece behind, make sure the molding tool design parameter, choose other spare partses and unload to anticipate device.Is also convex, the calculation of the cave mold size had a basis.Still there is spare parts to process a craft.
That die is a single work preface piercing die.But while hurtling to cut once, the bore is special many, hurtle to cut dint also very big, for lowering to blank pressure, adopt stairs to hurtle to cut.
Keywords: The piercing die . punch . cavitydie
目 录
摘要 I
绪论 1
第1章 工艺分析 3
第2章 工艺方案的确定 4
第3章 主要设计计算 5
3.1 冲裁力计算 5
3.2 压力中心的确定 6
3.3 工作零件刃口的计算 7
第4章 模具的总体设计 11
4.1模具类型的选择 11
4.2定位方式的选择与定位零件的设计 12
4.3 卸料 出料元件的选择 12
4.4导向方式的选择 12
4.5工作零件的结构设计 13
4.6卸料部件的设计 15
4.7模架的选择及其他零件的设计 16
4.8模具总装配图 17
4.9冲压设备的选定 18
4.10模具工件零件的加工工艺 18
第五章 模具的装配 21
总结 22
致 谢 24
参考文献 25