JZ-3-Y parts machining process planning and fixture design
This paper is the analysis of technology of JZ-3-Y machining application and processing, mainly including the parts diagram analysis, the choice of blank, parts of the clamping, the craft route formulation, tool selection, the determination of cutting conditions, process documents. Choose the correct methods for processing, processing process design reasonable. In addition, processing of a procedure of JZ-3-Y parts of the design of the fixture.
Many types of machine tool fixture, wherein, universal fixture used the most widely, size has been standardized, and professional factory production. But widely uses in the volume production, specially for a special fixture workpiece machining process service, then needs various manufacturing plant according to the workpiece processing technology to design and manufacture. The main content of this paper is the design of drilling jig fixture design JZ-3-Y design.
Keywords: JZ-3-Y parts, process, procedure, cutting, clamping, positioning,
1 绪论 1Abstract
This paper is the analysis of technology of JZ-3-Y machining application and processing, mainly including the parts diagram analysis, the choice of blank, parts of the clamping, the craft route formulation, tool selection, the determination of cutting conditions, process documents. Choose the correct methods for processing, processing process design reasonable. In addition, processing of a procedure of JZ-3-Y parts of the design of the fixture.
Many types of machine tool fixture, wherein, universal fixture used the most widely, size has been standardized, and professional factory production. But widely uses in the volume production, specially for a special fixture workpiece machining process service, then needs various manufacturing plant according to the workpiece processing technology to design and manufacture. The main content of this paper is the design of drilling jig fixture design JZ-3-Y design.
Keywords: JZ-3-Y parts, process, procedure, cutting, clamping, positioning,
1.1 机械加工工艺概述 1
1.2机械加工工艺流程 1
1.3夹具概述 2
1.4机床夹具的功能 3
1.5机床夹具的发展趋势 3
1.5.1机床夹具的现状 3
1.5.2现代机床夹具的发展方向 4
2 JZ-3-Y的工艺分析 6
2.1 JZ-3-Y的用途 6
2.2 JZ-3-Y的技术要求 6
2.3 JZ-3-Y的工艺分析 7
2.4确定JZ-3-Y的生产类型 7
3 确定毛坯、绘制毛坯简图 8
3.1选择毛坯 8
3.2确定毛坯的尺寸公差和机械加工余量 8
4 拟定JZ-3-Y工艺路线 10
4.1定位基准的选择 10
4.2表面加工方法的确定 10
4.3加工阶段的划分 11
4.4工序的集中与分散 11
4.5工序顺序的安排 11
4.6确定工艺路线 11
5 加工余量、工序尺寸、和公差的确定 14
5.1选择加工设备与工艺设备 14
5.2加工余量工序尺寸及公差的确定 15
6 切削用量、时间定额的计算 20
6.1粗精铣宽24mm,毛坯28mm,的下表面 20
6.2孔的加工 21
6.3 铣槽 25
6.4时间定额的计算 25
7 专用夹具设计 28
7.1问题提出 28
7.2 定位基准的选择 28
7.3定位元件的设计 28
7.4切削力和夹紧力的计算 28
7.5 定位误差分析 29
7.6钻套、衬套、钻模板设计与选用 30
7.7 夹具设计及操作的简要说明 31
结 论 32
参考文献 33
致 谢 35