摘 要
The topic of this graduation design is "design of automobile gearbox end drilling machine". Making process in the process, with a mass of drill hole processing program, and to seek the optimal process scheme, to take note of the importance of technology in the production process. My design of the main content is: were the design layout of the machine; of machine tool feed and transmission part design; with an example, and describes the design method of fixture; with this design, the machine can fully meet the design requirements, compared with the traditional machine tools, the machine has high degree of automation, high productivity the advantages of high precision,.
Keywords: modular machine tool; fixture design; automatic drill hole;
The topic of this graduation design is "design of automobile gearbox end drilling machine". Making process in the process, with a mass of drill hole processing program, and to seek the optimal process scheme, to take note of the importance of technology in the production process. My design of the main content is: were the design layout of the machine; of machine tool feed and transmission part design; with an example, and describes the design method of fixture; with this design, the machine can fully meet the design requirements, compared with the traditional machine tools, the machine has high degree of automation, high productivity the advantages of high precision,.
Keywords: modular machine tool; fixture design; automatic drill hole;
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 机床在国民经济的地位及其发展简史 1
1.2 组合机床的国内、外现状 2
1.2.1 国内组合机床现状 3
1.2.2 国外组合机床现状 4
1.3 机床设计的目的、内容、要求 5
1.3.1设计的目的 5
1.3.2 设计内容 5
1.3.3 设计要求 6
1.4 机床的设计步骤 6
1.4.1调查研究 6
1.4.2 拟定方案 6
1.4.3 工作图设计 7
2 组合机床的总体设计 8
2.1 组合机床方案的制定 8
2.1.1 制定工艺方案 8
2.1.2 确定组合机床的配置形式和结构方案 8
2.2 确定切削用量及选择刀具 10
2.2.1 确定工序间余量 10
2.2.2 选择切削用量 10
2.2.3 确定切削力、切削扭矩、切削功率 10
2.2.4 选择刀具结构 11
2.3 钻孔组合机床总设计“三图一卡”的编制 11
2.3.1 被加工零件工序图 11
2.3.2 加工示意图 12
2.3.3 机床联系尺寸图 16
2.3.4 生产率计算卡 19
2.4 多轴箱的设计 21
2.4.1 绘制多轴箱设计原始依据图 21
2.4.2 齿轮模数选择 22
2.4.3 多轴箱的传动设计 22
2.4.4 绘制传动系统图 24
2.4.5 传动零件的校核 25
3 钻5-M10螺纹底孔(自动)气动夹具设计 26
3.1 夹具的夹紧装置和定位装置 26
3.2 工件在夹具中的定位 27
3.3 夹具的组成 31
3.4夹具设计 31
3.4.1定位基准的选择 31
3.4.2切削力及夹紧力的计算 32
3.5定位误差的分析 36
3.6 确定夹具体结构和总体结构 37
3.7 夹具设计及操作的简要说明 38
结论 40
致 谢 41
参考文献 42