摘 要
This paper is the analysis of technology of automobile connecting parts processing application and processing, mainly including the parts diagram analysis, the choice of blank, parts of the clamping, the craft route formulation, tool selection, the determination of cutting conditions, process documents. Choose the correct methods for processing, processing process design reasonable. In addition, processing of two processes of automobile connecting rod parts of the design of the fixture.Key Words: connecting rod, processing technology, processing method, process documents, fixture
摘 要... II
Abstract. III目 录... IV
第1章 绪论... 5
1.1 机械加工工艺概述... 5
1.2机械加工工艺流程... 5
第2章 连杆分析... 6
2.1 连杆零件的作用... 6
2.2零件的工艺分析... 7
第3章 机械加工工艺规程设计... 9
3.1 生产纲领的确定... 9
3.2 连杆的材料选择与毛坯的制造方法... 10
3.2.1 连杆的材料选择... 10
3.2.2 45钢的成分和力学性能... 11
3.2.3 毛坯的制造方法... 11
3.3 机械加工余量,工序尺寸及毛坯尺寸确定... 12
3.4 指定工序定位基准的选择... 13
3.5 加工工艺阶段的划分和加工顺序的安排... 14
3.6 连杆加工工艺过程的拟定... 14
3.7 连杆加工工艺设计应考虑的问题... 15
3.7.1 工序安排... 15
3.7.2 定位基准... 15
3.7.3 夹具使用... 15
3.8 切削用量的选择原则... 15
3.8.1 粗加工时切削用量的选择原则... 15
3.8.2 精加工时切削用量的选择原则... 16
3.9 工时定额的计算... 17
总 结... 25
参考文献... 26
致谢... 27