摘 要
(1)、制定工艺方案 通过了解被加工零件的加工特点、精度和技术要求、定位夹紧情况、生产效率及机床的结构特点等,确定在组合机床上完成的工艺内容及加工方法,并绘制被加工零件工序图。
(2)、组合机床的总体设计 确定机床各部件之间的相互关系,选择通用部件和刀具的导向,计算切削用量及机床生产效率、绘制机床的尺寸联系图及加工示意图。
(3)、组合机床部件设计 包括专用多轴箱的设计,传动布局合理,轴与齿轮之间不发生干涉,保证传动的平稳性和精确性。专用主轴设计、轴承的选用及电机的选择等。
(4)、液压装置的设计 液压滑台、定位夹紧装置均为液压控制。并采用了许多液压控制阀,保证了运动的平衡性,循环性和精确性。
This thesis mainly elucidates the basic process and requirements that design of the combination machine. Combination machine is designed according the fundamental , which highly centralized ,or , more correctly it can process one working procedure or more different working procedures at one time . Combination machine was developed in the end of industrial production compared with traditional machine; combination machine has many advantages , such as high efficiency , high accuracy and low cost . It is composed of some general parts , such as bed ,column ,work able ,power unit ,and some special parts designed according to different work piece machining need.
The preface of a lot of works can be completed on the combination machine, but in regard to the majority current usage of combination machine, then and primarily used for the flat surface to process and the bore to process two big work preface. The main part including :(1) Formulating technological plan We,ve learned the characteristic of the part designed ,accuracy and specification ,locating and fixing ,productivity and machining structure by the practice .Then the technological operation and work order can be determined which can be finished in combination machine.(2) Combination machine frame design determines the interrelation of the different part in the machining tool ,select general parts and tool oriented .Then compute cut feed and productivity finally draw a sketch map of the machine .(3) Combination machine parts design including headstock、proper transmission layout 、shaft and gear move freely without interference which ensure the stability and accuracy during transmission ,then design dedicated select bearings and engine etc.(4) It adopts many hydraulic control valves ,which ensure the stability ,circulation and accuracy .
Keywords: combination machine ;design ;process ;function
目 录
摘 要 2Abstract 3
目 录 4
1 绪论 6
1.1 课题研究意义 6
1.2钻孔专用设备应用 6
1.3 钻孔专用设备 7
1.3.1多轴头 7
1.3.2 多轴箱 8
1.3.3多轴钻床 8
1.3.4 自动更换主轴箱机床 8
1.4 钻孔专用设备趋势 9
2 减速器底座机械加工工艺 10
2.1 了解零件的功用及技术要求 10
2.2分析零件的结构工艺性 10
2.3毛坯选择 10
2.3.1毛坯的种类 10
2.3.2铸件制造方法的选择 10
2.3.3铸件的尺寸公差与加工余量 11
2.4定位基准的选择 11
2.5 拟定工艺路线 12
2.5.1确定各表面的加工方法 12
2.5.2加工顺序的安排 12
2.5.3确定加工余量 13
2.5.4计算工序尺寸及公差 14
2.6确定各工序切削用量 14
2.7机床及工艺装备的选择 14
3 组合机床的总体设计 19
3.1 组合机床方案的制定 19
3.1.1 制定工艺方案 19
3.1.2 确定组合机床的配置形式和结构方案 19
3.2 确定切削用量及选择刀具 21
3.2.1 确定工序间余量 21
3.2.2 选择切削用量 21
3.2.3 确定切削力、切削扭矩、切削功率 22
3.2.4 选择刀具结构 22
3.3 钻孔组合机床总设计“三图一卡”的编制 22
3.3.1 被加工零件工序图 23
3.3.2 加工示意图 24
3.3.3 机床联系尺寸图 29
3.3.4 生产率计算卡 31
4 减速器底座螺纹孔底孔夹具设计 33
4.1 研究原始质料 33
4.2 定位、夹紧方案的选择 33
4.3切削力及夹紧力的计算 33
4.4 误差分析与计算 35
4.5 夹具设计及操作的简要说明 37
5 基于PLC的组合机床控制系统设计 38
5.1 引言 38
5.2 组合机床的运动及控制要求 38
5.3 plc控制系统的程序设计 41
5.4结束语 42
结 论 44
致 谢 45
参考文献 46