Diesel is a power source for the power plant in the world. Diesel-Diesel is also an important part of liking a person’s body, Diesel support all moving parts so that they work with each other and accurate location .The design is developed EM165 engine block processing and milling machine combinations ends of the fixture design.
Design specifications of the engine block for the structure and process performance analysis developed a body of the Diesel Technology order, corresponding to the selected technology base, positioning the baseline and the positioning analysis, intensify calculation, the designated milling process ends of the fixture design.
The title for I designed, Milling and Drilling is the main mode processing, include finish machining and rough machining.
Keywords : Cylinder Blocks , technological procedure, technological datum, location datum ,clamping force ,design of fixture,finish machining,rough machining.
摘要 Ⅰ英文 Ⅱ
前言 Ⅲ
第一章 零件分析 1
1.1机体的主要作用是: 1
1.2主要技术条件分析 1
1.3主要尺寸公差及分析: 2
1.4表面粗糙度要求 2
第二章 毛坯的确定 4
2.1毛坯材料及形式的确定 4
2.2铸造的加工余量及尺寸公差的确定 4
第三章 工艺规程的设计 6
3.1定位基准选择 6
3.1.1粗基准的选择 6
3.1.2精基准的选择 7
3.2制定加工工艺路线 7
3.2.1 确定各表面的加工方法: 7
3.2.2 确定工艺路线 8
第四章 工序设计 10
4.1工、量具、夹具及设备的选择 10
4.2工序设计 11
第五章 夹具的设计 32
5.1设计方案的确定 32
5.2弹簧的计算及选用 32
5.3切削力及夹紧力的计算 34
5.3.1切削力的计算 34
5.3.2夹紧力的计算 35
5.4气缸的选择 35
5.5定位误差的分析 35
5.6主要受力件设计 37
5.7标准件的选择 38
5.8夹具的使用说明 39
感谢 40
参考文献 41