This my Graduation Design is based on the CAPP XZ25.50 box of technological procedure and Special fixture design. First direcated against the peculiarity of the parts case design technological procedure,and design the special fixture, finally classification coding parts box.
CAPP, through the importation of computer parts were processing the raw data, processing conditions and processing requirements, carried out automatically by computer coding, programming optimized output until the end of the process of order card process. Computer-aided process planning is often linked computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) as a bridge.
The manufacturing industry becoming an information based society environment, the process planning produces is the first step in the technology preparatory work, the process planning is carries on the work clothes design to make and to decide the components processing method with processes the route the main basis, it produces, guarantee product quality, the enhancement labor productivity to the organization, reduces the cost, reduces the production cycle and the improvement work condition and so on all has the direct influence, is in the production key work. The craft knowledge is makes in the enterprise one of important knowledge resources, is causes the product design to become the end product in the entire manufacture process foundation resources, it to guaranteed the product quality as well as enhances the enterprise economical technology benefit to have the extremely vital role.
The fast design and the manufacture, oneself after becomes the product fast transformation and the manufacture system completes the bottleneck newly which or the heavy construction moves, seriously affects manufacture system the design construction cycle, the system productivity, the quality and the cost. Unit clamp use, on the one hand reduced the working procedure time, reduced the processing cost; On the other hand, the jig itself design manufacture man-hour, the material consumption and so on increased the work piece cost. Therefore, which kind of type uses under what kind of working condition the jig is the economy reasonable, also is the jig efficiency, continuously all is the jig structure development and a design main question.
Keywords CAPP Process Design Special Fixtur
目 录
1绪论 1
2 零件加工工艺规程 3
2.1概述 3
2.2零件的作用 3
2.3 零件的工艺分析 3
2.4确定工艺方案的原则及注意问题 3
2.4.1粗、精加工分开原则 3
2.4.2工序集中与分散的原则 4
2.4.3制定工艺方案应注意的其它问题 5
2.5工艺规程的设计 5
2.5.1确定毛坯材料及尺寸 5
2.5.2定位基准的选择 5
2.5.3制定工艺路线 6
2.6工序尺寸的基本要求 7
2.7 确定切削用量和基本工时 8
2.8 切削用量的选择依据 22
2.8.1铣削 22
2.8.2钻孔 22
2.8.3扩孔和铰孔 23
2.8.机床精度及机床参数 23
2.9 各种加工工艺和加工方法 24
2.9.1平面加工工艺 24
2.9.3螺纹加工工艺 24
2.10常用工艺主要工序能达到的精度和表面粗糙度 24
2.10.1平面加工 24
2.10.2螺纹孔加工 25
3 专用夹具的设计 26
3.1 对铣床夹具体的要求 26
3.2 夹具体的毛坯结构 26
3.3夹具元件的选择与设计 26
3.4 专用夹具的设计步骤 27
3.5 绘制夹具总装配图 27
3.6 标注夹具总装配图上个部分尺寸和技术要求。 28
3.7 夹具公差配合的制订 28
3.7.1 制订夹具公差与技术条件的依据 28
3.7.2 制定夹具公差和技术条件的基本原则 28
3.8夹具公差的制订 29
3.9 夹具技术条件的制订 29
3.10夹具设计部分的计算 29
3.10.1基准的选择 29
3.10.2切削夹紧力的计算 29
3.10.3定位误差的分析 30
4 零件编码系统 33
4.1零件编码系统的概念 33
4.2零件分类编码系统的要求 34
4.3零件分类编码系统的设计和选择 34
4.4零件的分类成组技术 34
4.4.1编码分类法 34
4.4.2生产流程分析法 35
总结 38
致谢 39
参考文献 40
附录 41
This my Graduation Design is based on the CAPP XZ25.50 box of technological procedure and Special fixture design. First direcated against the peculiarity of the parts case design technological procedure,and design the special fixture, finally classification coding parts box.
CAPP, through the importation of computer parts were processing the raw data, processing conditions and processing requirements, carried out automatically by computer coding, programming optimized output until the end of the process of order card process. Computer-aided process planning is often linked computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) as a bridge.
The manufacturing industry becoming an information based society environment, the process planning produces is the first step in the technology preparatory work, the process planning is carries on the work clothes design to make and to decide the components processing method with processes the route the main basis, it produces, guarantee product quality, the enhancement labor productivity to the organization, reduces the cost, reduces the production cycle and the improvement work condition and so on all has the direct influence, is in the production key work. The craft knowledge is makes in the enterprise one of important knowledge resources, is causes the product design to become the end product in the entire manufacture process foundation resources, it to guaranteed the product quality as well as enhances the enterprise economical technology benefit to have the extremely vital role.
The fast design and the manufacture, oneself after becomes the product fast transformation and the manufacture system completes the bottleneck newly which or the heavy construction moves, seriously affects manufacture system the design construction cycle, the system productivity, the quality and the cost. Unit clamp use, on the one hand reduced the working procedure time, reduced the processing cost; On the other hand, the jig itself design manufacture man-hour, the material consumption and so on increased the work piece cost. Therefore, which kind of type uses under what kind of working condition the jig is the economy reasonable, also is the jig efficiency, continuously all is the jig structure development and a design main question.
Keywords CAPP Process Design Special Fixtur
目 录
1绪论 1
2 零件加工工艺规程 3
2.1概述 3
2.2零件的作用 3
2.3 零件的工艺分析 3
2.4确定工艺方案的原则及注意问题 3
2.4.1粗、精加工分开原则 3
2.4.2工序集中与分散的原则 4
2.4.3制定工艺方案应注意的其它问题 5
2.5工艺规程的设计 5
2.5.1确定毛坯材料及尺寸 5
2.5.2定位基准的选择 5
2.5.3制定工艺路线 6
2.6工序尺寸的基本要求 7
2.7 确定切削用量和基本工时 8
2.8 切削用量的选择依据 22
2.8.1铣削 22
2.8.2钻孔 22
2.8.3扩孔和铰孔 23
2.8.机床精度及机床参数 23
2.9 各种加工工艺和加工方法 24
2.9.1平面加工工艺 24
2.9.3螺纹加工工艺 24
2.10常用工艺主要工序能达到的精度和表面粗糙度 24
2.10.1平面加工 24
2.10.2螺纹孔加工 25
3 专用夹具的设计 26
3.1 对铣床夹具体的要求 26
3.2 夹具体的毛坯结构 26
3.3夹具元件的选择与设计 26
3.4 专用夹具的设计步骤 27
3.5 绘制夹具总装配图 27
3.6 标注夹具总装配图上个部分尺寸和技术要求。 28
3.7 夹具公差配合的制订 28
3.7.1 制订夹具公差与技术条件的依据 28
3.7.2 制定夹具公差和技术条件的基本原则 28
3.8夹具公差的制订 29
3.9 夹具技术条件的制订 29
3.10夹具设计部分的计算 29
3.10.1基准的选择 29
3.10.2切削夹紧力的计算 29
3.10.3定位误差的分析 30
4 零件编码系统 33
4.1零件编码系统的概念 33
4.2零件分类编码系统的要求 34
4.3零件分类编码系统的设计和选择 34
4.4零件的分类成组技术 34
4.4.1编码分类法 34
4.4.2生产流程分析法 35
总结 38
致谢 39
参考文献 40
附录 41