摘 要
关键词:差速器壳 工艺规程 拖拉机
This paper mainly design tractor differential shell machining process card, known this differential shell parts production type for mass production, so is determined primarily for basic tendencies arrangement of technology: processing process divided stage; Process appropriate concentration; Processing equipment to universal equipment primarily, adopt a large number of special tooling. Such preparations and less investment, start-up fast high production efficiency, over easy.
The driver of the tractor is main differential thing, it will power to the wheels, and at the same time, allowing two round as different wheel rotation. And meet the pure rolling on both sides as far as possible and the form of uniform of the road, reduce the friction of the tires and the ground.
Keywords: differential mechanism process tractor
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章绪论 1
1课题研究背景 1
2课题研究的意义 1
3 国内外的研究动态 2
4差速器今后的发展 2
第2章零件的分析 4
2.1零件的作用 4
2.2零件的工艺分析 4
第3章确定生产类型 5
第4章确定毛坯 6
4.1 确定毛坯种类 6
4.2 确定铸件加工余量及形状 6
4.3绘制铸件零件图 7
第5章机械加工工艺规程设计 8
5.1选择定位基准 8
5.1.1粗准的选择 8
5.1.2精基准的选择 8
5.2制定工艺过程 8
5.2.1 选择表面加工方法 8
5.2.2 确定工艺过程方案 8
第6章加工设备与工艺装备的选择 11
6.1机床的选择 11
6.2 选择夹具 11
6.3 选择刀具 11
6.4选择量具 11
6.4.1工序010粗加工可选用通用量具 11
6.4.2工序070铣两端面,现按计量器具的测量方法极限误差选择其量具 12
6.5选择工位器具 12
第7章确定工序尺寸 13
7.1径向工序尺寸 13
7.2轴向工序尺寸 14
第8章确定切削用量及时间定额 18
8.1 工序010(粗车端面及外圆、粗镗内孔及弧面)切削用量及时间定额 18

8.1.2 工步2粗镗内孔的


8.2.1工步1为后刀架粗车外端面 23

8.3工序060(钻11-Φ12.5mm孔和钻、扩、铰一个Φ12.5H7孔)切削用量及基本时间 26
8.3.1确定进给量f 26
8.3.2确定切削速度v 27
8.3.3校验机床扭矩及功率 27
8.3.4基本时间计算T 28
8.4工序070(铣两侧平面)切削用量及基本时间 28
8.4.1选择刀具 28
8.4.2确定背吃刀量 29
8.4.3确定每齿进给量f 29
8.4.4选择铣刀磨钝标准及寿命 29
8.4.5确定切削速度v 和工作台每分钟进给量fm 29
8.4.6基本时间T 29
8.5其余工序切削用量及基本时间见工序卡 29
结 论 30
参考文献 31
致 谢 32