摘 要
关键词: 工艺,机械制造,夹具设计
This design topic is the tail rod connecting process and drilling fixture design parts.
First, using of machinery manufacturing technology and related knowledge, on the basis of parts and the requirements of the production program, analysis from the blank to the whole process of parts of every process and arrangement, formulate the processing procedure of feasible routes, determine the processing scheme. Then, according to the technical condition requirements of the drawings, the workpiece in the process to solve relevant problems in stepping up and aspects of the process route arrangement, determine the relevant process size and select the appropriate machine tools and tool. Finally, machine tool fixture design reference manual and related aspects of the books, the design of efficient, economic, reasonable and can ensure the quality of processing fixture.
KEY WORDS: technology, machinery manufacturing, fixture design
目 录
第一章 尾接杆零件机械加工工艺规程设计 1本设计题目是尾接杆工艺及铣削加工夹具设计。
关键词: 工艺,机械制造,夹具设计
This design topic is the tail rod connecting process and drilling fixture design parts.
First, using of machinery manufacturing technology and related knowledge, on the basis of parts and the requirements of the production program, analysis from the blank to the whole process of parts of every process and arrangement, formulate the processing procedure of feasible routes, determine the processing scheme. Then, according to the technical condition requirements of the drawings, the workpiece in the process to solve relevant problems in stepping up and aspects of the process route arrangement, determine the relevant process size and select the appropriate machine tools and tool. Finally, machine tool fixture design reference manual and related aspects of the books, the design of efficient, economic, reasonable and can ensure the quality of processing fixture.
KEY WORDS: technology, machinery manufacturing, fixture design
目 录
1.1 基本概念 1
1.2 零件的生产类型的确定及工艺分析 1
1.2.1 确定生产类型 1
1.2.2 加工零件工艺分析 1
1. 3 确定毛坯 3
1.3.1选择毛坯 3
1.3.2 钢质模锻件毛坯尺寸及其公差的确定 5
1.3.3 绘制毛坯图 7
1. 4 拟定工艺路线 8
1.4.1 各表面加工方法 9
1.4.2 定位基准的选择 11
1.4.3 加工阶段的划分 12
1.4.4 个加工表面机械加工余量、工序尺寸的确定 13
1.4.5 工序顺序安排 14
1.4.6各工序切削用量和加工机床的确定 15
第二章 机床夹具设计 19
2. 1 机床夹具设计概述 19
2.1.1 机床夹具基本概念 19
2.1.2 机床夹具的分类 19
2. 2 工件的定位原理、定位原则和定位方法 20
2.2.1 工件的定位原理和定位原则 20
2.2.2 工件的定位方法及误差 20
2. 3 工件的夹紧及夹紧装置 22
2.3.1 夹紧的基本概念 22
2.3.2 夹紧装置分类和效用 22
2. 4 专用夹具的设计 22
2.4.1 设计专用夹具的基本要求 22
2.4.2 设计夹具的依据 23
2.4.3设计夹具的程序和内容 23
第三章 尾接杆工序75、80铣削加工夹具设计 24
3. 1 机床夹具设计方法和步骤 24
3. 2定位方法与定位元件的选用 24
3. 3 绘制尾接杆铣床夹具的装配图 29
参考文献 31
致 谢 32
设计小结 33