摘 要
本 设计是重要的实践教学环节之一。通过对“泵盖”零件的机械加工工艺规程及工艺装备的设计,完成了从毛坯到零件的机械加工工艺过程。本毕业设计的主要内容包括:绘制“泵盖”的零件图、毛坯图,编制机械加工工艺过程综合卡片和机械加工工序卡片,以及铣厚端面加工夹具设计。本次毕业设计实现了所学理论与生产实践的结合,通过设计使学生具有了制定工艺规程的初步能力,设计专用夹具的初步能力,进一步提高了查阅资料,熟练地使用设计手册、参考资料等方面的能力。通过设计全过程,熟悉了工艺计算方法,学会了进行工艺设计的程序和方法,对于培养独立思考和独立工作的能力大有裨益。泵是非常重要的一个零件,广泛应用于机械产品,如汽油泵,泵,液压泵,潜水泵,隔膜泵,动力转向泵,双作用叶片泵,它的作用是不能被其他成分所取代,所以和泵的选择是密切相关的泵盖作为一个设计的主题,来获取过程有关的大量书籍的过程中,最好的设计方案的综合比较与选择。液压泵盖是液压泵重要的零件之一,采用钻、扩、铣等传统工艺,不仅效率低,而且稳定性差,精度不易保证,制约了生产的发展。应用组合机床加工大批量零件,快捷高效,生产率高,是机械加工的发展方向。本设计主要包括液压泵盖的加工工艺过程的设计,应采取哪些措施存在的主要问题和液压泵盖的加工设计过程。具体确定毛坯制造形式获得,基面的选择,确定工艺路线,加工余量的确定,工序尺寸及空白,切削用量的确定。此外,这次还给液压泵盖进行了专用夹具设计,以及夹具操作的简要说明。在完成此次设计任务中得到老师及同学们的大力帮助,在此向他们表示衷心的感谢。关键词:液压泵盖;工艺;夹具设计
The course design is an important element of practical teaching. Through the "PUMP COVER" part of the mechanical equipment, process planning and process design, the completion of parts from the blank to the machining process. The main design of this course include: Drawing, "pump" part map, blank map, the preparation of a comprehensive machining process and machining processes card cards, The course was designed and implemented what they have learned the combination of theory and production practice, through the design so that students have an initial capacity to develop process planning, designing special fixtures initial capacity, and further improve access to information, skilled use of the design manual, reference materials, etc. capacities. Through the design of the whole process, familiar with the process calculation methods, learned to carry out process design procedures and methods for the development of independent thinking and ability to work independently of great benefit.Pump is a very important and widely used parts in mechanical products, such as Gasoline pump, variable frequency pump, hydraulic pump, submersible pump, diaphragm pump, power steering pump, double action vane pump, etc.Its role cannot be replaced by other parts, and therefore I choose the pump cover closely related to the pump as the design theme. In the design process of I refer to related process books material, comprehensive comparison finally chooses the best design. Hydraulic pump cover is one of the important parts in hydraulic pump. Using the drilling, expanding, milling and other traditional techniques, is not only low efficiency, and poor stability. It’s difficult to ensure the accuracy and restrict the production development. Using a combination of machine parts in large quantities is the development direction of machining, because it’s efficient and high productivity. This design includes the design of the hydraulic pump cover process planning; the main problems of the Hydraulic pump cover processing and the measures to be taken in the Process Design. There is a specific determining blank obtained manufacturing form, the selection of base, process route determination, machining allowance, process dimension and the rough determination cutting specifications and so on. In addition, I design the special fixture for hydraulic pump cover, and made a brief description of the fixture operation. Thanks for the great help given by students to teachers in the design.Key words: Hydraulic Pump Cover; Process; Fixture Design
摘 要 III
Abstract IV
1 绪论 1
1.1本课题的研究内容和意义 1
1.2国内外的发展概况 2
1.3本课题应达到的要求 3
2零件的三维造型 5
3 零件的分析 10
3.1 零件的作用 10
3.2 零件的工艺分析 11
3.2.1 液压油泵盖加工工艺规程设计 12
3.2.2 液压油泵的泵盖加工的主要问题和工艺过程设计所应采取的相应措施 13
3.2.3 小结 21
4 专用夹具设计 21
4.1 夹具工序的选择 22
4.2 液压夹具设计 21
4.2.1 定位基准的选择 25
4.2.2 铣削力与夹紧力计算 26
4.2.3 确定液压缸基本参数 28
4.3 钻3-φ11孔夹具设计 30
4.3.1 定位基准的选择 30
4.3.2 定位元件的设计 32
4.3.3 定位误差分析 33
4.3.4 钻削力与夹紧力的计算 33
4.3.5 衬套、钻模板及夹具体设计 33
4.3.6 夹紧装置的设计 34
4.3.7 夹具设计及操作的简要说明 35
4.4 小结 37
5 结论与展望 38
6 致谢 39
7 参考文献 40