摘 要
目前,实际生产,通过观察发现仅用通用夹具不能满足生产要求。当通用夹具装夹工件时,具有生产效率低,加工质量低,要增加划线工序等缺点。由此,专门设计了一种铣床夹具,通过对夹具的定位方案,夹紧方案,对刀方案,夹具体与定位元件及加工精度等方面的分析,证明能满足工艺和生产要求。 在本次设计中,针对所给的两个工件,设计出了对应的铣床夹具来提高工件的加工工艺和生产效率,从而突破传统夹具的局限性,具有一定的创新性和实用方便性。
Fixture is a kind of process equipment. It can make the product to be accurate positioning and tight clamping according to certain technical requirements. Its main function is to ensure the product processing quality, reduce labor intensity, auxiliary products detection, display, transportation etc.. The sheet metal workpiece is a common project structure,it has special significance for real engineering to improve the sheet metal workpiece of milling fixture design efficiency.
The actual production, it is found that use only universal fixture can not meet the requirement of production. When Universal fixture clamps the workpiece,it has defects for low production efficiency, low processing quality and increasing the marking process. Thus, a milling fixture is specially designed. The analysis of the fixture positioning scheme,clamping scheme,tool setting scheme, fixture body and the positioning element and machining accuracy etc.. That could meet the requirements of process and production.
In this design, according to the two workpiece to a milling fixture design, corresponding to improve the processing technology and production efficiency of the workpiece, so as to break through the limitation of traditional fixture, it has some innovative and practical convenience.
In the design process, it determines the degrees of freedom of workpiece, using six point location principle to limit sufficient freedom. And we observe the shape features and machining requirements, determining a reasonable positioning and clamping surface. Eventually, we use the UG 3D modeling software to the workpiece and the fixture for 3D modeling. By modify, it finally established the three-dimensional assembly entity graph.
Keywords: The milling fixture; The Special fixture; 3D modeling; Six point location principle
目 录
1 引言 1
1.1 夹具设计目的与意义 1
1.2 机床夹具的现状及发展 2
1.2.1机床夹具的现状 2
1.2.2现代机床夹具的发展方向 2
1.2.3本课题主要讨论的问题 3
2 夹具设计的概论 4
2.1 机床夹具的概述 4
2.1.1机床夹具概述 4
2.1.2机床夹具的种类 4
2.1.3机床夹具的组成 5
2.2 铣床夹具的分类 5
2.3 铣削专用夹具的设计要点 6
2.4 铣床夹具的安装 6
2.5 工件的定位与误差分析 7
2.5.1工件定位的基本原理 7
2.5.2 定位方法与定位元件 7
2.5.3工件的误差分析 9
2.5.4 定位误差产生的原因 9
2.6 夹紧装置 9
2.6.1夹紧装置的组成 9
2.6.2对夹紧装置的基本要求 10
2.6.3夹紧力的确定 10
2.6.4 夹紧力大小计算 11
2.7 夹紧机构种类 11
2.8 减小夹紧变形措施 11
3 铣削专用夹具的设计 12
3.1零件加工工艺过程 12
3.1.1分析工件零件图 12
3.1.2分析零件加工工艺过程 13
3.2 确定定位方案 14
3.2.1基准的选择 14
3.2.3各个零件的选择及设计 15
3.3 定位误差的计算与分析 19
3.4 减小定位误差的措施 20
3.5 切削力和夹紧力的计算 20
3.6 夹紧机构的设计 24
3.7 主要元件的设计与UG建模 24
3.8 对刀元件 27
4 夹具图绘制 28
4.1 工序图 28
4.2 绘制夹具装配总图 28
4.4装配图 29
5 分析夹具工作精度 31
5.1 分析工件1工作精度 31
5.2 分析工件2工作精度 31
6 结论 32
致 谢 33
参考文献 34
附 录 35
目前,实际生产,通过观察发现仅用通用夹具不能满足生产要求。当通用夹具装夹工件时,具有生产效率低,加工质量低,要增加划线工序等缺点。由此,专门设计了一种铣床夹具,通过对夹具的定位方案,夹紧方案,对刀方案,夹具体与定位元件及加工精度等方面的分析,证明能满足工艺和生产要求。 在本次设计中,针对所给的两个工件,设计出了对应的铣床夹具来提高工件的加工工艺和生产效率,从而突破传统夹具的局限性,具有一定的创新性和实用方便性。
Fixture is a kind of process equipment. It can make the product to be accurate positioning and tight clamping according to certain technical requirements. Its main function is to ensure the product processing quality, reduce labor intensity, auxiliary products detection, display, transportation etc.. The sheet metal workpiece is a common project structure,it has special significance for real engineering to improve the sheet metal workpiece of milling fixture design efficiency.
The actual production, it is found that use only universal fixture can not meet the requirement of production. When Universal fixture clamps the workpiece,it has defects for low production efficiency, low processing quality and increasing the marking process. Thus, a milling fixture is specially designed. The analysis of the fixture positioning scheme,clamping scheme,tool setting scheme, fixture body and the positioning element and machining accuracy etc.. That could meet the requirements of process and production.
In this design, according to the two workpiece to a milling fixture design, corresponding to improve the processing technology and production efficiency of the workpiece, so as to break through the limitation of traditional fixture, it has some innovative and practical convenience.
In the design process, it determines the degrees of freedom of workpiece, using six point location principle to limit sufficient freedom. And we observe the shape features and machining requirements, determining a reasonable positioning and clamping surface. Eventually, we use the UG 3D modeling software to the workpiece and the fixture for 3D modeling. By modify, it finally established the three-dimensional assembly entity graph.
Keywords: The milling fixture; The Special fixture; 3D modeling; Six point location principle
目 录
1 引言 1
1.1 夹具设计目的与意义 1
1.2 机床夹具的现状及发展 2
1.2.1机床夹具的现状 2
1.2.2现代机床夹具的发展方向 2
1.2.3本课题主要讨论的问题 3
2 夹具设计的概论 4
2.1 机床夹具的概述 4
2.1.1机床夹具概述 4
2.1.2机床夹具的种类 4
2.1.3机床夹具的组成 5
2.2 铣床夹具的分类 5
2.3 铣削专用夹具的设计要点 6
2.4 铣床夹具的安装 6
2.5 工件的定位与误差分析 7
2.5.1工件定位的基本原理 7
2.5.2 定位方法与定位元件 7
2.5.3工件的误差分析 9
2.5.4 定位误差产生的原因 9
2.6 夹紧装置 9
2.6.1夹紧装置的组成 9
2.6.2对夹紧装置的基本要求 10
2.6.3夹紧力的确定 10
2.6.4 夹紧力大小计算 11
2.7 夹紧机构种类 11
2.8 减小夹紧变形措施 11
3 铣削专用夹具的设计 12
3.1零件加工工艺过程 12
3.1.1分析工件零件图 12
3.1.2分析零件加工工艺过程 13
3.2 确定定位方案 14
3.2.1基准的选择 14
3.2.3各个零件的选择及设计 15
3.3 定位误差的计算与分析 19
3.4 减小定位误差的措施 20
3.5 切削力和夹紧力的计算 20
3.6 夹紧机构的设计 24
3.7 主要元件的设计与UG建模 24
3.8 对刀元件 27
4 夹具图绘制 28
4.1 工序图 28
4.2 绘制夹具装配总图 28
4.4装配图 29
5 分析夹具工作精度 31
5.1 分析工件1工作精度 31
5.2 分析工件2工作精度 31
6 结论 32
致 谢 33
参考文献 34
附 录 35