摘 要
Box the body rise to accept to zero partses, prop up of function, make them keep certain opposite seat to get the normal sport relation and enough accuracy, he returned to rise a better lubrication condition for the spare parts of its inner part in the meantime, in the meantime, he still has a safe protection and seal completely of the function have a function of separate the earthquake certainly, rise to protect the effect that the internal spare parts is free from to the exterior to violate.So make use of very extensively in the daily living work, also have count for much of of function.This design can let us make use of the machine manufacturing craft to learn the basic theories in the course masterly and Be producing the fulfillment knowledge that the practice high school arrive, resolve a spare parts with accuracy in the middle of process of fixed position, clip tightly and the craft route arrangement, the craft size assurance etc. problem, promise the spare parts processes quality.Graduating a design on the other hand is a fulfillment of essential to have the very strong important link is in the teaching link.The purpose lies in training student's first step to set up right of design an ability to the machine.Complete zero partses to process the craft rules distance design according to zero parts diagram and condition and the request, make the studentof the manufacturing direction be able to integrate to control the professional knowledge study, raise a student to begin anability,attain to live to learn to liveto use
Keywords:The semi-finished product remaining quantity,craft,work preface,slice to pare dosage,tongs,fixed position,error margin.
目 录
摘要………………………………………………………………………………… I箱体是对零部件起到容纳,支撑的作用,使他们保持一定的相对位子,以得到正常的运动关系和足够的精度,他同时还为其内部的零件起到了较好的润滑条件,同时,他还有安全保护和密封的作用有一定的隔震的作用,起到保护内部零件不受到外部侵害的功用。所以在日常的生活工作中运用得非常广泛,也起到非常重要的的作用。本次设计能让我们熟练运用机械制造工艺学课程中的基本理论以及在生产实习中学到的实践知识,正确地解决一个零件在加工中的定位,夹紧以及工艺路线安排,工艺尺寸确定等问题,保证零件的加工质量。另一方面毕业设计是教学环节中一个必不可少的实践性很强的重要环节。目的在于培养学生初步树立正确的对机械设计能力。按零部件图及条件和要求,完成零部件的加工工艺规程设计,使制造方向的学生能融会贯通掌握所学习的专业知识,提高学生的动手能力,达到活学活用。
Box the body rise to accept to zero partses, prop up of function, make them keep certain opposite seat to get the normal sport relation and enough accuracy, he returned to rise a better lubrication condition for the spare parts of its inner part in the meantime, in the meantime, he still has a safe protection and seal completely of the function have a function of separate the earthquake certainly, rise to protect the effect that the internal spare parts is free from to the exterior to violate.So make use of very extensively in the daily living work, also have count for much of of function.This design can let us make use of the machine manufacturing craft to learn the basic theories in the course masterly and Be producing the fulfillment knowledge that the practice high school arrive, resolve a spare parts with accuracy in the middle of process of fixed position, clip tightly and the craft route arrangement, the craft size assurance etc. problem, promise the spare parts processes quality.Graduating a design on the other hand is a fulfillment of essential to have the very strong important link is in the teaching link.The purpose lies in training student's first step to set up right of design an ability to the machine.Complete zero partses to process the craft rules distance design according to zero parts diagram and condition and the request, make the studentof the manufacturing direction be able to integrate to control the professional knowledge study, raise a student to begin anability,attain to live to learn to liveto use
Keywords:The semi-finished product remaining quantity,craft,work preface,slice to pare dosage,tongs,fixed position,error margin.
目 录
ABSTRACT…………………………………………………………………… …… II
前言………………………………………………………………………………… 1
第一章 工艺设计……………………………………………………………………1
1.2 毛坯的选择与设计及加工余量的确定………………………………………… 2
1.3 工艺规程的设计……………………………………………………………… 2
第二章 工序设计…………………………………………………………………6
第三章 夹具设计…………………………………………………………………20
3.1问题的提出…………………………………………………………………………… 20
第四章 结论…………………………………………………………………………30