The topic of this sign is design a clutch for FORLAND commercial vehicle(pull_type).
It is the most important part of the light vehicle’s transform-system. The performance of light vehicle is largely relative to the quality of the design.
According to the torque, a single dry-disc diaphragm-spring clutch is used, and a clutch disc with a torsional absorber is fixed. To start the vehicle stability, the clutch must be engaged smoothly, so a plate segment with a axisal elasticity is mounted.
In the paper, I introduced the selection of the possible type of the clutch(torque operation characteristic). The selection of the found a mental parameter and the determination of the main dismensious the structure design of the components and corresponding calculation.
目录The topic of this sign is design a clutch for FORLAND commercial vehicle(pull_type).
It is the most important part of the light vehicle’s transform-system. The performance of light vehicle is largely relative to the quality of the design.
According to the torque, a single dry-disc diaphragm-spring clutch is used, and a clutch disc with a torsional absorber is fixed. To start the vehicle stability, the clutch must be engaged smoothly, so a plate segment with a axisal elasticity is mounted.
In the paper, I introduced the selection of the possible type of the clutch(torque operation characteristic). The selection of the found a mental parameter and the determination of the main dismensious the structure design of the components and corresponding calculation.
绪论 1
第一章 结构方案设计 1
1.1 总论 1
1.2 总成零件结构方案分析 4
1.2.1 从动盘数目分析 4
1.2.2 压紧弹簧的选择 4
1.2.3 从动盘结构方案分析 7
1.2.4 从动盘摩擦片结构方案分析 8
1.2.5 其他零部件结构方案分析 9
第二章 整体性能参数选择与计算 12
2.1 摩擦片尺寸计算 12
2.2 后备系数的确定 13
2.2.1后备系数选择 13
2.2.2 性能参数计算 14
2.3 第一轴和从动盘毂花键尺寸选取和校验 15
2.3.3 花键尺寸d计算 15
第三章 膜片弹簧设计 17
3.1 拉式膜片弹簧的工作原理 17
3.2 拉式膜片弹簧的载荷——变形特性 18
3.2.1 接合位置的载荷变形公式 19
3.2.2 分离时的载荷变形公式 20
3.2.3小端载荷——变形特性 22
3.3 拉式膜片弹簧应力变形特性 22
3.3.1碟形弹簧部分的应力——变形公式 22
3.3.2 碟形部分子午剖面上切向应力分布: 23
3.3.3 拉式膜片弹簧的应力计算 24
3.4 拉式膜片弹簧的设计 25
第四章 离合器扭转减震器基本参数选择 28
4.1 概述 28
4.2 主要性能参数计算和分析 28
4.2.1减震器的极限转矩 28
4.2.2 计算减震器阻尼力矩 30
4.2.3 计算减震器的预紧扭转力矩 31
4.2.4 减震弹簧位置半径的确定 31
4.2.5 由参考文献提供的列表 31
4.2.6 减震弹簧总压力 31
第五章 其余结构参数校核 34
5.1 传力片强度校核 34
5.2 压盘热容量校核 34
第六章 主要零件加工工艺 35
6.1 主要零件加工工艺 35
6.1.1膜片弹簧的制造工艺 36
6.2 工艺尺寸链的计算 39