The design of vibratory nut conveyor
Abstract: With the development of modern technology, vibratory nut conveyor is widely applied, generally as a supporting equipment of spot welding machine. Compared with other nuts in modes of transport, it is high efficiency, low cost, smooth and simple structure. Vibrating conveyor is to transform the adsorption movement into the spiral motion artifacts, and through the second directional device to output the nuts that is required. Based on the analysis of mechanical model of the vibratory nut conveyor, this article includes the selection of program and calculation of parameter to meet the design requirements that to output 30-40 nuts per minute.
Keyword: vibratory conveyor, the second directional device, Torsional motion
第一章 引言 1
第二章 运动原理分析及总体方案确定 3
2.1振动式螺母输送机的一般组成 3
2.2 振动式螺母输送机的工作原理 4
2.3振动式螺母输送机的输送原理 6
2.4 振动式螺母输送机与旋转式螺母输送机的比较 14
2.5 输送对象的介绍 16
第三章 振动式螺母输送机的设计及参数计算 17
3.1 物料运动状态的选择和机械指数的确定 17
的确定 17
3.3 振动次数n和振幅A1的确定 18
3.4 弹簧安装角β 19
3.5 输送机输送速度的估算 19
3.6 料盘料斗的基本结构尺寸 20
3.7 弹簧参数的确定 22
3.8 二次定性装置的选择与计算 28
3.9 出料槽的尺寸确定 31
参考文献 32
致谢 33
The design of vibratory nut conveyor
Abstract: With the development of modern technology, vibratory nut conveyor is widely applied, generally as a supporting equipment of spot welding machine. Compared with other nuts in modes of transport, it is high efficiency, low cost, smooth and simple structure. Vibrating conveyor is to transform the adsorption movement into the spiral motion artifacts, and through the second directional device to output the nuts that is required. Based on the analysis of mechanical model of the vibratory nut conveyor, this article includes the selection of program and calculation of parameter to meet the design requirements that to output 30-40 nuts per minute.
Keyword: vibratory conveyor, the second directional device, Torsional motion
第一章 引言 1
第二章 运动原理分析及总体方案确定 3
2.1振动式螺母输送机的一般组成 3
2.2 振动式螺母输送机的工作原理 4
2.3振动式螺母输送机的输送原理 6
2.4 振动式螺母输送机与旋转式螺母输送机的比较 14
2.5 输送对象的介绍 16
第三章 振动式螺母输送机的设计及参数计算 17
3.1 物料运动状态的选择和机械指数的确定 17

3.3 振动次数n和振幅A1的确定 18
3.4 弹簧安装角β 19
3.5 输送机输送速度的估算 19
3.6 料盘料斗的基本结构尺寸 20
3.7 弹簧参数的确定 22
3.8 二次定性装置的选择与计算 28
3.9 出料槽的尺寸确定 31
参考文献 32
致谢 33