关键词: 机械系统; 切割; 测量系统

关键词: 机械系统; 切割; 测量系统
Sorghum has a very good economic and family benefits in the north is very seriously, but widespread planting of sorghum in rural areas, but in rural sorghum straw directly burning or cooking is cooking a pot roast. Although the domestic efforts to promote the development of rural marsh gas, let it ferment. But the fermentation time is too long, and a great demand sorghum planting seed in the countryside immediately widespread biogas sorghum stalks minimal for fundamental; however, other treatments: such as feeding livestock, and heating demand is not large, Straw treatment did not help. If direct centralized combustion, that could directly lead to a lot of environmental pollution and may even lead to a large fire, so how to deal with the current sorghum field covered so as to further favorable development of agricultural recycling technology allows to keep the original can be well solved Sorghum provenance imminent. Therefore, this paper is cutting performance parameters and test equipment design sorghum straw.
Domestic research straw mulching technology is relatively short. Which domestic researchers like Zhang Yan He sorghum straw radial and axial shear test shear, Wu Zi Yue themselves and others through research sorghum cutting speed and power consumption of chopped straw before and after the experiment at no supporting force conditions, etc. . However, China's sorghum cutting bench is based on the experimental requirements and research. But abroad, particularly in Europe and developed countries to field first proposed covering technology, now they will be able to once harvested sorghum stalks and straw crushed and applied research in this area,
Domestic research straw mulching technology is relatively short. Which domestic researchers like Zhang Yan He sorghum straw radial and axial shear test shear, Wu Zi Yue themselves and others through research sorghum cutting speed and power consumption of chopped straw before and after the experiment at no supporting force conditions, etc. . However, China's sorghum cutting bench is based on the experimental requirements and research. But abroad, particularly in Europe and developed countries to field first proposed covering technology, now they will be able to once harvested sorghum stalks and straw crushed and applied research in this area,
we should actively learn foreign technology and to have innovati Cut the stalks of sorghum bench design research sorghum shear properties of the main direction of miter cut, slash, and sliding cut. Cutting learned way to design a bench routes and taking into account the limited space and equipment to put Case-cut bench debug the bench parameters. Then we begin to prepare the mechanical system design. First designed pendulum and calculate the speed and checking, then design the rack and the rotating shaft and the bearing, the final design of the frame and adjust the clamping device. Check and adjust the pendulum frame, usingPro / MECHANICA and analyze stress and check the results. Measurement system is a bench during the swing angle, cutting force and cutting speed into electrical measurement and mechanical measurements. Cutting force measurement design to first understand its measuring principle and sensor design and calculate it. Cutting speed measurement designed to understand the working principle of optical encoders and optical encoder selection.
Sorghum shear test apparatus designed in this paper can achieve the original design requirements and associated parameters. Cutting speed can reach 7.6m / s, the miter angle adjustment range position, the maximum cutting gap is 150mm. Checking by the finite element analysis of the important parts, enabling bench strength and stability to achieve actual work requirements. The design of the measuring system is mainly based electrical measurements,mechanical measurements, supplemented by the measurement accuracy is improved greatly, so that the measurement data acquisition and post analysis and calculation is very convenient, it can become a design sorghum shear test apparatus and complete the relevant Experimet.
Keyword: Mechanical Systems; cutting; measuringsy
目录Sorghum shear test apparatus designed in this paper can achieve the original design requirements and associated parameters. Cutting speed can reach 7.6m / s, the miter angle adjustment range position, the maximum cutting gap is 150mm. Checking by the finite element analysis of the important parts, enabling bench strength and stability to achieve actual work requirements. The design of the measuring system is mainly based electrical measurements,mechanical measurements, supplemented by the measurement accuracy is improved greatly, so that the measurement data acquisition and post analysis and calculation is very convenient, it can become a design sorghum shear test apparatus and complete the relevant Experimet.
Keyword: Mechanical Systems; cutting; measuringsy
第一章绪论 1
1.1 问题的提出 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1 国内研究现状 2
1.2.2 国外研究现状 3
第二章总体方案设计 5
2.1 试验台设计要求 5
2.2 试验台设计路线 6
2.3 试验台技术参数 6
第三章机械系统设计及校核 8
3.1 结构设计 8
3.1.1 摆杆设计及速度验算 8
3.1.2 机架设计 10
3.1.3 转动轴及轴承设计 11
3.2 调整架及夹持装置设计 12
3.3 摆杆及调整架校核 13
3.3.1 使用Pro/MECHANICA的一般过程 13
3.3.2 应力分析 14
3.3.3 校核结果 19
第四章测量系统设计 20
4.1 切割力测量设计 20
4.1.1 切割力测量原理 20
4.1.2 传感器的设计与计算 21
4.2 切割速度测量设计 23
4.2.1 光电编码器工作原理 23
4.2.2 光电编码器的选用 25
第五章结论 28
参考文献 29
致谢 30