The Design Of The Main Driver Of 700 Horizontal Mill
This design to the level of 700 rolling mill main drive structure. Main drive system of steel rolling is mainly composed of motor, reducer, gear, shaft coupling and frame. This design is carried out on the level of 700 rolling mill main drive system design, including motor, reducer, coupling and frame, through the calculation of rolling force can parameter and intensity analysis of the parts to complete the design content. Considering the cost problem, motor with low cost high speed of ac motor. In the process of design, we should consider the practicality, manufacturing difficulty, economic factors and problems encountered in the actual production. Gear stand: used to transfer torque to work roll, the design USES two equal diameter cylidrical herringbone gear in the vertical plane in a row, packed in the sealed enclosure. Coupling: the gear reducer and connecting shaft of a secure connection. The main coupling with plum blossom joint shaft coupling in general.
Keywords:The Main Driver;Electric;Roller
1. 绪论 1
1.1 课题设计目的及意义 1
1.2 国内外钢铁产业的研究历史及现状 1
1.3 毕业设计的主要内容 3
2. 总体方案确定 4
2.1 轧钢机主传动装置的类型 4
2.1.1 单机座轧钢机 4
2.1.2 多机座轧钢机主传动类型 4
2.2 轧辊与轧辊轴承 4
2.2.1 轧辊 4
2.2.2 轧辊轴承 4
2.3 方案对比与选择 5
3 轧制力能参数的计算 7
3.1 平均单位压力和总轧制力的计算 7
3.1.1 平均单位压力的确定 7
3.1.2 总轧制力 9
3.1.3 轧制力矩的计算 9
3.2 电机的选择与校核 11
3.2.1 电机的容量选择 11
3.2.2 轧机主电机力矩 12
3.2.3 电动机的发热校核 13
3.2.4 电动机的过载校核 15
4 主要零件强度计算 17
4.1 轧件咬入的计算 17
4.1.1 开始咬入阶段 17
4.1.2 已经咬入阶段 17
4.2 轧辊校核 18
4.2.1 辊身强度校核 19
4.2.2 辊颈强度校核 20
4.2.3 传动端轴头校核 21
4.3 机架的强度校核 22
4.3.1 闭式机架的受力分析 22
4.3.2 闭式机架的应力计算 28
4.4 联接轴的强度计算 29
4.4.1 开口式扁头的强度计算 30
4.4.2 叉头的强度计算 32
4.5 齿轮座齿轮的设计与强度计算 32
4.5.1 齿轮座齿轮的确定 33
4.5.2 按齿面接触强度设计 33
4.5.3 按齿根弯曲强度校核 35
4.5.4 几何尺寸计算 36
4.5.5 人字齿轮轴的设计 36
5 润滑方式的选择 39
5.1 润滑方式的类型 39
5.2 轧钢机润滑采用的润滑油、润滑脂 39
6 经济效益分析和环境保护 41
6.1 经济效益分析 41
6.2 环境保护分析 41
结论 42
致谢 43
参考文献 44
The Design Of The Main Driver Of 700 Horizontal Mill
This design to the level of 700 rolling mill main drive structure. Main drive system of steel rolling is mainly composed of motor, reducer, gear, shaft coupling and frame. This design is carried out on the level of 700 rolling mill main drive system design, including motor, reducer, coupling and frame, through the calculation of rolling force can parameter and intensity analysis of the parts to complete the design content. Considering the cost problem, motor with low cost high speed of ac motor. In the process of design, we should consider the practicality, manufacturing difficulty, economic factors and problems encountered in the actual production. Gear stand: used to transfer torque to work roll, the design USES two equal diameter cylidrical herringbone gear in the vertical plane in a row, packed in the sealed enclosure. Coupling: the gear reducer and connecting shaft of a secure connection. The main coupling with plum blossom joint shaft coupling in general.
Keywords:The Main Driver;Electric;Roller
1. 绪论 1
1.1 课题设计目的及意义 1
1.2 国内外钢铁产业的研究历史及现状 1
1.3 毕业设计的主要内容 3
2. 总体方案确定 4
2.1 轧钢机主传动装置的类型 4
2.1.1 单机座轧钢机 4
2.1.2 多机座轧钢机主传动类型 4
2.2 轧辊与轧辊轴承 4
2.2.1 轧辊 4
2.2.2 轧辊轴承 4
2.3 方案对比与选择 5
3 轧制力能参数的计算 7
3.1 平均单位压力和总轧制力的计算 7
3.1.1 平均单位压力的确定 7
3.1.2 总轧制力 9
3.1.3 轧制力矩的计算 9
3.2 电机的选择与校核 11
3.2.1 电机的容量选择 11
3.2.2 轧机主电机力矩 12
3.2.3 电动机的发热校核 13
3.2.4 电动机的过载校核 15
4 主要零件强度计算 17
4.1 轧件咬入的计算 17
4.1.1 开始咬入阶段 17
4.1.2 已经咬入阶段 17
4.2 轧辊校核 18
4.2.1 辊身强度校核 19
4.2.2 辊颈强度校核 20
4.2.3 传动端轴头校核 21
4.3 机架的强度校核 22
4.3.1 闭式机架的受力分析 22
4.3.2 闭式机架的应力计算 28
4.4 联接轴的强度计算 29
4.4.1 开口式扁头的强度计算 30
4.4.2 叉头的强度计算 32
4.5 齿轮座齿轮的设计与强度计算 32
4.5.1 齿轮座齿轮的确定 33
4.5.2 按齿面接触强度设计 33
4.5.3 按齿根弯曲强度校核 35
4.5.4 几何尺寸计算 36
4.5.5 人字齿轮轴的设计 36
5 润滑方式的选择 39
5.1 润滑方式的类型 39
5.2 轧钢机润滑采用的润滑油、润滑脂 39
6 经济效益分析和环境保护 41
6.1 经济效益分析 41
6.2 环境保护分析 41
结论 42
致谢 43
参考文献 44