The development of cake slicing machine is to solve the domestic food processing industry all by manual labor intensity big, and the efficiency is low and the problem is not applicable to the special cake slicing machine. From the perspective of food machinery design, this paper expounds the purpose of the research and development of the cake, the basis of the design, the working principle, the structure design and calculation of the chip machine, and gives the improvement plan for the further perfection of the cake.
Keywords:Machine product;Driving roller ;Design;craft
目 录
摘要 IThe development of cake slicing machine is to solve the domestic food processing industry all by manual labor intensity big, and the efficiency is low and the problem is not applicable to the special cake slicing machine. From the perspective of food machinery design, this paper expounds the purpose of the research and development of the cake, the basis of the design, the working principle, the structure design and calculation of the chip machine, and gives the improvement plan for the further perfection of the cake.
Keywords:Machine product;Driving roller ;Design;craft
目 录
Abstract II
1引言 1
1.1课题的来源与研究的目的和意义 1
1.2蛋糕切片机的发展现状 2
1.3本课题研究的内容 3
2整体总体方案的确定 5
2.1设计思想 7
2.2主要结构设计 8
2.3蛋糕切片机的工作原理 10
3机械传动部分的设计计算 11
3.1曲柄摇杆机构的设计计算 11
3.2滚子链传动的设计计算 12
3.3轴的设计计算 14
3.4直线轴承的设计计算 15
4蛋糕切片机中主要零件的三维建模 17
4.1偏心轮的三维建模 19
4.2机架的三维建模 20
4.3传送滚筒的三维建模 23
4.4蛋糕切片机的三维建模 23
5三维软件设计总结 24
结论 25
致谢 26
参考文献 27