CNC grinding machine is a mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and information technologies in one of the typical mechatronic products, is the key to modern manufacturing equipment.With the development of CNC grinder,the grinder gradually in machine tools take the possession of a large proportion,grinding technology in the manufacturing sector also gradually take the important possession of a large proportion.
The text is conposed of introduction, grinders overall layout design, grinding machines vertical mechanism design, column design, hardware design, summarize and acknowledgements.The purpose is to design a precision CNC surface grinder,and use the grinding wheel peripheral grinding plane,for mechanical manufacturing and mold manufacturing industry,and Can process a variety of difficult to machine materials.The Introduction section describes the grinder in the background and the current development of domestic and foreign.made a simple overall design,The column design into a fixed form,The horizontal agencies and wheel frame being embedded in the column,becoming a structure that can to achieve both vertical and horizontal movement in the column.do a Simple hardware circuit control design.Finally, made a review by summing up the design ,and Looking to do a high-precision CNC surface grinder.
Keywords:Grinder, column, ball screw, lengthways and crosswise mechanism
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1 课题背景及目的 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1 世界磨床发展 2
1.2.2 我国磨床行业现状 3
1.3 课题研究方法 4
1.4 论文的构成及研究内容 4
1.4.1 论文的构成 4
1.4.2 设计研究的内容 5
第二章 磨床总体布局设计 7
2.1 总体布局方案设计 7
2.2 总体布局设计 9
第三章 纵向进给机构的设计 10
3.1 纵向进给机构布局设计 10
3.2 磨削力的计算 10
3.3 滚珠丝杠副设计 13
3.4 滚珠丝杠副驱动电机的选择 24
3.4.1驱动电机功率计算 24
3.4.2驱动电机转矩计算 24
3.4.3驱动电机负载转动惯量计算 25
3.4.4电机的选择 26
3.5联轴器的选择 26
3.5.1 联轴器的选择 26
3.5.2 联轴器的校核 27
3.6 导轨的设计 28
第四章 横向进给机构的设计 30
4.1 横向进给机构布局设计 30
4.2 磨削力的计算 30
4.3 滚珠丝杠副设计步骤 31
4.4 滚珠丝杠副驱动电机的选择 36
4.5 联轴器的选择 39
第五章 磨床立柱的设计 41
5.1 磨床立柱简介 41
5.2 立柱磨头的受力情况 41
5.3 磨床立柱的受力分析示意图 41
5.4 立柱的总体布局设计 42
5.5 立柱导轨的设计 43
5.6 立柱工作过程概述 43
第六章 硬件电路的设计 45
6.1 数控电路的介绍 45
6.2 西门子802D数控系统的组成 45
6.3 802D数控系统的连接 45
6.4 数控系统接线图 45
第七章 结论 47
参考文献 48
致谢 49
CNC grinding machine is a mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and information technologies in one of the typical mechatronic products, is the key to modern manufacturing equipment.With the development of CNC grinder,the grinder gradually in machine tools take the possession of a large proportion,grinding technology in the manufacturing sector also gradually take the important possession of a large proportion.
The text is conposed of introduction, grinders overall layout design, grinding machines vertical mechanism design, column design, hardware design, summarize and acknowledgements.The purpose is to design a precision CNC surface grinder,and use the grinding wheel peripheral grinding plane,for mechanical manufacturing and mold manufacturing industry,and Can process a variety of difficult to machine materials.The Introduction section describes the grinder in the background and the current development of domestic and foreign.made a simple overall design,The column design into a fixed form,The horizontal agencies and wheel frame being embedded in the column,becoming a structure that can to achieve both vertical and horizontal movement in the column.do a Simple hardware circuit control design.Finally, made a review by summing up the design ,and Looking to do a high-precision CNC surface grinder.
Keywords:Grinder, column, ball screw, lengthways and crosswise mechanism
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1 课题背景及目的 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1 世界磨床发展 2
1.2.2 我国磨床行业现状 3
1.3 课题研究方法 4
1.4 论文的构成及研究内容 4
1.4.1 论文的构成 4
1.4.2 设计研究的内容 5
第二章 磨床总体布局设计 7
2.1 总体布局方案设计 7
2.2 总体布局设计 9
第三章 纵向进给机构的设计 10
3.1 纵向进给机构布局设计 10
3.2 磨削力的计算 10
3.3 滚珠丝杠副设计 13
3.4 滚珠丝杠副驱动电机的选择 24
3.4.1驱动电机功率计算 24
3.4.2驱动电机转矩计算 24
3.4.3驱动电机负载转动惯量计算 25
3.4.4电机的选择 26
3.5联轴器的选择 26
3.5.1 联轴器的选择 26
3.5.2 联轴器的校核 27
3.6 导轨的设计 28
第四章 横向进给机构的设计 30
4.1 横向进给机构布局设计 30
4.2 磨削力的计算 30
4.3 滚珠丝杠副设计步骤 31
4.4 滚珠丝杠副驱动电机的选择 36
4.5 联轴器的选择 39
第五章 磨床立柱的设计 41
5.1 磨床立柱简介 41
5.2 立柱磨头的受力情况 41
5.3 磨床立柱的受力分析示意图 41
5.4 立柱的总体布局设计 42
5.5 立柱导轨的设计 43
5.6 立柱工作过程概述 43
第六章 硬件电路的设计 45
6.1 数控电路的介绍 45
6.2 西门子802D数控系统的组成 45
6.3 802D数控系统的连接 45
6.4 数控系统接线图 45
第七章 结论 47
参考文献 48
致谢 49