摘 要
(1) 装料机总体结构设计。
(2) 装料机工作性能分析。
(4) 装料机的传动系统、执行部件。
This graduation design is the design of a heating furnace charging machine. The loader is summarized; then analyzes the selection principle and the calculation method of the filling machine; then calculated based on these design criteria and selection method in accordance with the requirements of the given parameters selection and design; then check on the major components of loader selected. In the design, heating furnace charging machine manufacturing and application, at present our country compared with foreign advanced level there are still large gaps, China in the design and manufacture of heating furnace charging machine process there are many shortcomings.The structure is mainly produced by the motor power will need to transfer the power to the gear, and then transferred to the gear through the gear, the gear and the transition to another set of gear, and then through the transition to the worm gear. Design of key parts and the scheme of charging machine were introduced in detail, the main contents include system overall plan design, the choice of motor, actuator design, transmission parts of the design, the flywheel design, shaft design and checking and bearing selection, etc..
This paper introduces the development situation of the filling machine, filling machine structure design principle, analysis of loader and determine the overall scheme, drawing, mechanical drawings charging machine structure design content contained in the calculation, the conclusion and suggestion of structure design.
The research of this thesis:
(1) the overall structure design of loading machine.
(2) analysis of loader working performance.
(3) the choice of motor.
(4) transmission system, executive component loading machine.
(5) the design of components for the design calculation and check.
(6) to draw the assembly drawing and parts assembly diagram and parts diagram design.
Key words heating furnace charging machine, transmission device, connecting rod, gear reducer
目 录
摘 要 II
Abstract III
1 绪论 1
1.1 加热炉装料机的发展史 1
1.2 加热炉装料机的用途 1
1.3 加热炉装料机的优越性 1
1.3.1 加热炉装料机的特点 1
1.3.2 加热炉装料机与其他工件装料机的比较 2
1.4加热炉装料机减速器 2
2 加热炉装料机总体方案 6
2.1 加热炉装料机设计方案 6
2.1.1加热炉装料机方案一 6
2.1.2 加热炉装料机方案二 6
2.1.3加热炉装料机方案三 7
2.1.4加热炉装料机方案四 7
2.2 加热炉装料机执行机构的选型与设计 8
2.3 加热炉装料机传动装置方案确定 9
3 电动机选择、传动系统运动和动力参数计算 11
3.1电动机的选择 11
3.2 传动装置总传动比的确定及各级传动比的分配 12
3.3 运动参数和动力参数计算 13
4 圆柱齿轮传动零件的设计计算 15
4.1 选择齿轮材料及精度等级 15
4.2按齿面接触疲劳强度设计 15
4.3 根据齿根弯曲疲劳强度设计 17
5 蜗轮蜗杆传动设计计算 20
5.1 选择蜗杆传动类型 20
5.2 选择材料 20
5.3 按齿面接触疲劳强度进行设计 20
5.4 蜗杆与蜗轮的主要参数与几何尺寸 22
5.5 校核齿根弯曲疲劳强度 23
5.6 验算效率 24
5.7 精度等级公差和表面粗糙度的确定 24
5.8 热平衡核算 24
6 轴的设计计算 25
6.1 Ⅰ轴的结构设计 25
6.2 Ⅱ轴的结构设计 28
6.3 Ⅲ轴的结构设计 29
6.4 校核Ⅱ轴的强度 32
7 轴承的选择和校核 36
7.1 高速轴轴承的校核 36
7.2 低速轴轴承的校核 37
7.3 计算输入轴轴承 39
7.4 计算输出轴轴承 42
8 键联接的选择和校核 44
8.1 键的选择 44
8.2 键的校核 44
8.3 联轴器的选择 45
9 减速器的润滑、密封和润滑牌号的选择 46
9.1 传动零件的润滑 46
9.1.1 齿轮传动润滑 46
9.1.2滚动轴承的润滑 46
9.2 减速器密封 46
9.2.1 轴外伸端密封 46
9.2.2 轴承靠箱体内侧的密封 46
9.2.3 箱体结合面的密封 46
10 减速器箱体设计及附件的选择和说明 47
11 加热炉装料机其他零件设计 49
结束语 51
参考文献 52
致谢 53