The structure is mainly composed of the motor, frame, transmission belt, an eccentric wheel. The power generated by the motor through the belt wheel speed reducer will need to transfer the power to the belt wheel, belt wheel drive V, so as to drive the movement of the whole device
Abstract this dissertation studies:
(1) the overall structure design of chestnut peeling machine.
(2) analysis of chestnut peeling machine performance.
(3) the choice of motor.
(4) transmission system, execution unit and frame design of chestnut peeling machine.
(5) the design of parts of the design calculation and check.
(6) the assembly drawing and parts drawing assembly drawings and parts drawings design.
Keywords: chestnut peeling machine, structure design
摘要 IIAbstract this dissertation studies:
(1) the overall structure design of chestnut peeling machine.
(2) analysis of chestnut peeling machine performance.
(3) the choice of motor.
(4) transmission system, execution unit and frame design of chestnut peeling machine.
(5) the design of parts of the design calculation and check.
(6) the assembly drawing and parts drawing assembly drawings and parts drawings design.
Keywords: chestnut peeling machine, structure design
Abstract III
第1章 绪论 6
1.1课题研究的目的和意义 6
1.2板栗主要产品工艺 6
1.3传统板栗脱壳去衣技术 8
1.4板栗的加工现状 8
1.2研究内容 13
第2章 板栗去皮机总体参数的设计 14
2.1 板栗去皮机的工作原理 14
2.2 螺旋输送机设计参数的确定 14
2.3 螺旋输送机外形及尺寸 19
2.4 螺旋输送机外形长度组合及各节重量 19
2.5电动机选型计算 20
第3章 带传动的计算 23
3.1带传动设计 23
3.2选择带型 24
3.3确定带轮的基准直径并验证带速 25
3.4确定中心距离、带的基准长度并验算小轮包角 26
3.5确定带的根数z 27
3.6确定带轮的结构和尺寸 27
3.7确定带的张紧装置 28
3.8主轴结构图 31
3.9主轴组件的验算 31
3.9.1支承的简化 31
3.9.2主轴的挠度 32
3.9.3主轴倾角 33
第4章 键的选择与校核 40
4.1带轮1上键的选择与校核 40
4.1.1键的选择 40
4.1.2键的校核 40
4.2带轮2上键的选择与校核 42
4.2.1键的选择 42
4.2.2键的校核 42
第5章 Solidwork虚拟样机设计 44
结论 46
参考文献 47
致谢 48