Suspension system is one of the most important systems in automobiles, especially in the car this kind of attention to comfort of the car, driving sense and ride comfort, directly affect the customer satisfaction of the overall car, in the design and development of the car also more and more attention to the suspension system, visible car suspension system design is particularly important.
This paper introduced the design requirements of suspension system, the design and simulation of suspension system for small car are carried out in this paper, including the selection of the pre and rear suspension types by comparing the characteristics of various types of suspension and the requirements of the car's own performance and cost, in order to meet the design requirements, the static deflection parameters of the suspension are optimized, The geometrical parameter design of elastic element, the checking of force analysis, the selection of shock absorber type and the design of correlative parameters, and the three-dimensional modeling of suspension mechanism by using computer software, the motion simulation and the finite element analysis of main parts are carried out through the motion mode of suspension.
Keywords: suspension; spring; shock absorber; modeling; finite element analysis
Suspension system is one of the most important systems in automobiles, especially in the car this kind of attention to comfort of the car, driving sense and ride comfort, directly affect the customer satisfaction of the overall car, in the design and development of the car also more and more attention to the suspension system, visible car suspension system design is particularly important.
This paper introduced the design requirements of suspension system, the design and simulation of suspension system for small car are carried out in this paper, including the selection of the pre and rear suspension types by comparing the characteristics of various types of suspension and the requirements of the car's own performance and cost, in order to meet the design requirements, the static deflection parameters of the suspension are optimized, The geometrical parameter design of elastic element, the checking of force analysis, the selection of shock absorber type and the design of correlative parameters, and the three-dimensional modeling of suspension mechanism by using computer software, the motion simulation and the finite element analysis of main parts are carried out through the motion mode of suspension.
Keywords: suspension; spring; shock absorber; modeling; finite element analysis
1 前言 1
2 悬架结构形式分析 2
2.1 独立悬架与非独立悬架 2
2.1.1 非独立悬架的类型及特点 3
2.1.2 独立悬架的类型及特点 4
2.2 前、后悬架方案选择 7
3 悬架主要参数的确定 8
3.1 总质量、轴荷分配的确定 8
3.2悬架静挠度 8
3.3 悬架的动挠度 9
3.4 前悬架主销内倾角与后倾角 9
3.4.1 主销后倾角 11
4 弹性元件的设计 11
4.1 弹簧刚度的计算 11
4. 2 弹簧的受力及变形 11
4. 3 弹簧几何参数的计算 12
4.3.1 弹簧的材料许用应力 12
4.3.2 选择弹簧旋绕比 12
4.3.3 计算钢丝的直径d 12
4.3.4 弹簧的几何尺寸 13
4.4 弹簧校核 14
4.4.1 弹簧刚度校核 14
4.4.2 弹簧强度校核 14
5 减振器的设计 16
5.1双筒式减振器 16
5.2 单筒式减振器 17
5.3减振器参数的设计 18
5.3.1相对阻尼系数ψ 18

5.3.3减振器最大卸荷力F0的确定 20
5.3.4减振器工作缸直径D的确定 20
6.前悬架的UG建模 23
6.1 麦弗逊独立悬架零部件设计 23
6.1.1 麦弗逊悬架横摆臂的三维建模 23
6.1.2麦弗逊悬架螺旋弹簧的三维建模 24
6.1.3其他元件的三维建模 25
6.2麦弗逊独立悬架的装配 27
6.2.1横摆臂的装配 28
6.2.2 减振器的装配 29
6.2.3 整体装配 29
7 轿车前悬架的运动仿真 30
8.对麦弗逊悬架中的减振器支座进行有限元分析 34
9.经济性分析 37
10.结论 38
致谢 39