In the ever-changing changes of modern cars, the car's hydraulic braking system has become more and more important. The safety performance of cars has gradually become one of the major factors for consumers to consider when buying cars. Therefore, the standard of the car's hydraulic braking system is defined by the market at a higher level. If companies want to expand their own brand of cars, It is necessary to pay attention to the braking system on the car, which constitutes a benign reform of the performance of the hydraulic braking system of the car. The use of Proe software in the car to simulate the three-dimensional model has also been widely used by the automotive industry. This paper uses Proe software to simulate and analyze the disc brakes of the car's hydraulic braking system.
This article mainly designs the hydraulic braking system for cars. The main components of the braking system are selected or calculated, and the Proe software of the disc brake is used for three-dimensional modeling and motion simulation analysis to check the rationality and feasibility of the hydraulic braking system of the car.
Key words: brake system; disc brake; simulation analysis
目 录
In the ever-changing changes of modern cars, the car's hydraulic braking system has become more and more important. The safety performance of cars has gradually become one of the major factors for consumers to consider when buying cars. Therefore, the standard of the car's hydraulic braking system is defined by the market at a higher level. If companies want to expand their own brand of cars, It is necessary to pay attention to the braking system on the car, which constitutes a benign reform of the performance of the hydraulic braking system of the car. The use of Proe software in the car to simulate the three-dimensional model has also been widely used by the automotive industry. This paper uses Proe software to simulate and analyze the disc brakes of the car's hydraulic braking system.
This article mainly designs the hydraulic braking system for cars. The main components of the braking system are selected or calculated, and the Proe software of the disc brake is used for three-dimensional modeling and motion simulation analysis to check the rationality and feasibility of the hydraulic braking system of the car.
Key words: brake system; disc brake; simulation analysis
目 录
1轿车液压制动系统概述 1
1.1轿车制动系统设计的背景 1
1.2轿车液压制动系统研究现状 1
1.3轿车液压制动系统应达到的目标 2
2轿车液压制动系统的结构及工作原理 2
2.1轿车制动系统结构 3
2.2轿车液压制动系统工作原理 8
2.3液压制动系统真空助力器工作原理 9
2.4液压制动主缸的工作原理 10
2.5制动系统制动器工作原理 11
2.5.1鼓式制动器 11
2.5.2盘式制动器 12
3制动系统设计计算 13
3.1制动系统主要参数数值 13
3.2制动力及制动力矩分配系数 13
3.2.1制动器制动力矩的确定 15
3.2.2盘式制动器主要参数确定 15
3.2.3盘式制动器的制动力计算 17
3.3制动器主要零部件的结构设计 18
3.4驻车制动装置设计 18
4 液压制动驱动机构的设计计算 19
4.1制动驱动机构形式选择 19
4.2液压分路系统的形式的选择 19
4.3盘式制动器液压驱动机构计算 20

4.3.2制动主缸与工作容积设计计算 20
4.4制动踏板力与踏板行程 21

5制动性能分析 23
5.1轿车制动性概念及评价指标 23

6液压制动系统制动器仿真分析 24
6.1液压制动制动系统仿真分析概述 24
6.2盘式制动器三维仿真 24
6.2.1制动器制动盘仿真 24
6.2.2制动器制动块仿真 29
6.2.3制动器制动钳体仿真 32
6.3Proe软件盘式制动器三维模型装配 36
6.3.1制动盘装配 36
6.3.2制动钳体装配 39
6.3.3制动器总装配 42
6.4盘式制动器运动分析 45
6.5制动盘有限元分析 47
7 轿车液压制动系统经济性分析 50
8 结论 51
致谢 52
参考文献 53