The steering system of automobile is based on the mechanical steering system. With the continuous development of technology and the improvement of peopleundefineds requirements, the power steering system has become the mainstream steering system because of its operation. The power steering system is to realize the rapid steering on the basis of the steering wheel acting by the driver by manpower through the connecting rod mechanism. The kinetic energy of the engine is converted into the kinetic energy of the automobile steering by the steering afterpower device. An accurate, portable system. Therefore, for power steering systems, only a small portion of the energy required for vehicle steering is provided by the driver, while most of the energy is provided by the engine through the steering afterburner. And with the improvement of technology, when the power steering systemundefineds steering afterforce device fails, the steering system can also rely on the mechanical part of the steering system by the driverundefineds independent vehicle steering force, so as to achieve vehicle steering. Therefore, the power steering system has excellent stability. Safety and operability are widely promoted.
In this article, the steering system of the medium vehicle is designed. Therefore, according to the design requirements of the medium vehicle, this paper selects the integral circulating ball steering gear, the hydraulic power device for the power plant, and the constant flow slide valve steering valve for the steering control valve, etc. Through consulting data, reference and so on, the design calculation and strength check of steering gear parts, hydraulic power cylinder parameters and slide valve steering valve parameters, steering mechanism and transmission mechanism of power steering system are carried out. Finally, CAXA software is used to draw the assembly drawing and every part drawing of steering system, and UG software is used to model and simulate each part of steering system.
Keywords: circulating ball steering system; hydraulic power; slide valve; 2D assembly; 3D modeling
The steering system of automobile is based on the mechanical steering system. With the continuous development of technology and the improvement of peopleundefineds requirements, the power steering system has become the mainstream steering system because of its operation. The power steering system is to realize the rapid steering on the basis of the steering wheel acting by the driver by manpower through the connecting rod mechanism. The kinetic energy of the engine is converted into the kinetic energy of the automobile steering by the steering afterpower device. An accurate, portable system. Therefore, for power steering systems, only a small portion of the energy required for vehicle steering is provided by the driver, while most of the energy is provided by the engine through the steering afterburner. And with the improvement of technology, when the power steering systemundefineds steering afterforce device fails, the steering system can also rely on the mechanical part of the steering system by the driverundefineds independent vehicle steering force, so as to achieve vehicle steering. Therefore, the power steering system has excellent stability. Safety and operability are widely promoted.
In this article, the steering system of the medium vehicle is designed. Therefore, according to the design requirements of the medium vehicle, this paper selects the integral circulating ball steering gear, the hydraulic power device for the power plant, and the constant flow slide valve steering valve for the steering control valve, etc. Through consulting data, reference and so on, the design calculation and strength check of steering gear parts, hydraulic power cylinder parameters and slide valve steering valve parameters, steering mechanism and transmission mechanism of power steering system are carried out. Finally, CAXA software is used to draw the assembly drawing and every part drawing of steering system, and UG software is used to model and simulate each part of steering system.
Keywords: circulating ball steering system; hydraulic power; slide valve; 2D assembly; 3D modeling
前言 1
1汽车主要参数的确定 2
1.1汽车主要参数的选择 2
2转向系的主要参数 3
2.1转向器的效率 3
2.2转向系传动比的变化特性 4
2.2.1转向系传动比 4
2.2.2力传动比与转向系角传动比的关系 4
3循环球式转向器设计与计算 6
3.1 循环球式转向器主要参数的确定 6
3.1.1螺杆、钢球、螺母传动副设计 6
3.1.2齿条齿扇传动副的设计 8
3.2 循环球式转向器零件强度计算和校核 9
3.2.1转向系计算载荷的确定 9


3.2.4转向摇臂轴直径的确定 12
4液压动力转向系的设计计算 13
4.1液压动力转向机构布置方案的选择 13
4.2液压动力缸的设计计算 14


4.2.3动力缸缸筒壁厚计算 15
4.3转向控制阀的设计计算 16





4.3.6回位弹簧设计计算 17
4.4液压油罐容积和液压油泵排量的确定 18
5转向传动机构的设计 20
6循环球式转向器的三维建模与仿真分析 21
6.1转向螺杆的UG三维建模 21
6.2齿扇摇臂轴的UG三维建模 22
6.3转向螺母的UG三维建模 25
6.4转向扭杆的UG三维建模 27
6.5转向器壳体的UG三维建模 28
6.6循环球式转向器装配 30
6.7循环球式转向器的仿真运动分析 31
6.8循环球式转向器扭杆的有限元分析 33
7技术经济性分析 36
8结论 38
致谢 39
参考文献 40