摘 要
In the whole car, the clutch takes up a little space, but plays an irreplaceable role in automotive transmission system. As an important component, the clutch will get very good development on function and structure. It can better realize dynamic transmission and cutoff during transferring engine’s dynamic and won’t make drive system overload when drive system endures large torque. The topic of this design is the design and simulation of heavy-duty vehicle dual disc clutch, and it chooses diaphragm spring because it is widely used in many vehicle models and has the advantages of big torque capacity, simple operation and good balance performance. It can be produced in large amount and improve production efficiency after designing a product, so it is significant for the research on diaphragm spring clutch. This graduation design specifically describes the structure and parameter’s selection and calculation of heavy-type car dual disc clutch in introduction.
Through compared with the clutch parameter selection of other car models, various clutch, and various components of the clutch, this paper fist designs schemes of various section and analyses their principles, and then carries out three-dimension and motion simulation, and finally carries out finite element analysis. According to the the parameter selections such as the usage condition and full quality of the heavy-type car, as well as the clutch’s design procedures and requirements in car design, design and choose the clutch and component.
Key Words:clutch; dual disc friction; machinery control; diaphragm spring;
PORE;Motion simulation
摘 要 I
Abstract IIIn the whole car, the clutch takes up a little space, but plays an irreplaceable role in automotive transmission system. As an important component, the clutch will get very good development on function and structure. It can better realize dynamic transmission and cutoff during transferring engine’s dynamic and won’t make drive system overload when drive system endures large torque. The topic of this design is the design and simulation of heavy-duty vehicle dual disc clutch, and it chooses diaphragm spring because it is widely used in many vehicle models and has the advantages of big torque capacity, simple operation and good balance performance. It can be produced in large amount and improve production efficiency after designing a product, so it is significant for the research on diaphragm spring clutch. This graduation design specifically describes the structure and parameter’s selection and calculation of heavy-type car dual disc clutch in introduction.
Through compared with the clutch parameter selection of other car models, various clutch, and various components of the clutch, this paper fist designs schemes of various section and analyses their principles, and then carries out three-dimension and motion simulation, and finally carries out finite element analysis. According to the the parameter selections such as the usage condition and full quality of the heavy-type car, as well as the clutch’s design procedures and requirements in car design, design and choose the clutch and component.
Key Words:clutch; dual disc friction; machinery control; diaphragm spring;
PORE;Motion simulation
摘 要 I
1绪论 1
1.1 离合器概述 1
1.2 汽车离合器的现状及发展 1
1.2.1 汽车离合器的现状 1
1.3 离合器设计要求 1
2 方案分析与选定 2
2.1 从动盘数的选择 2
2.2 压紧弹簧和布置形式的选择 3
2.3 膜片弹簧支承形式的选择 5
2.4 压盘的驱动方式 6
3 摩擦片参数设计 6
3.1 摩擦片参数设计基本原理 6
3.2 摩擦片参数设计计算 7
3.2.1 摩擦片摩擦因数f、摩擦面数面数Z和离合器间隙△t 7
3.2.2摩擦片外径D、内径d和厚度b的确定 8
3.2.3离合器后备系数β的确定 8
3.2.4离合器传递的最大静摩擦力矩TC 9
3.2.5 单位压力

3.3 离合器摩擦片基本参数的校核 9
3.3.1 最大圆周速度 9
3.3.2 单位摩擦面积传递转矩 10
3.3.3 单位压力

3.3.4 单位摩擦面积滑磨功 10
4 膜片弹簧设计 11
4.1 膜片弹簧主要参数的选择 11
4.1.1 H/h比值的选择 11
4.1.2 R及R/r的确定 12
4.1.3 膜片弹簧起始圆锥底角α 12
4.1.4 分离指数目n和切槽宽δ1、δ2以及半径re 12
4.1.5 支承圈平均半径r1和膜片弹簧与压盘的接触半径R1 12
4.2 绘制膜片弹簧的特性曲线 12
4.3 确定膜片弹簧的工作点位置 13
4.4 求离合器彻底分离时分离轴承作用的载荷F2 14
4.5 求分离轴承的行程λ2 14
4.6 膜片弹簧强度校核 15
4.7 膜片弹簧的材料及其制造工艺 15
5 其他主要部件的设计 16
5.1 从动盘总成设计计算 16
5.1.1 从动片 16
5.2 压盘和离合器盖的设计 18
5.2.1 压盘几何尺寸的确定 18
5.2.2 离合器盖的设计 18
5.2.3 支承环 19
5.3 操纵系统的设计 19
5.3.1 对操纵机构的基本要求 19
5.3.2 踏板位置 19
5.3.3 踏板行程 19
6 三维建模 20
6.1 膜片弹簧的三维建模 20
6.2 从动盘的三维建模 22
6.3 从动盘毂三维建模 24
6.4 摩擦盘的三维建模 25
6.5 离合器壳的三维建模 27
6.6飞轮壳体的三维建模 29
6.7 分离套筒的三维建模 30
6.7飞轮的三维建模 31
6.8 离合器的装配建模 33
7 离合器的三维运动仿真 38
8 膜片弹簧有限元分析 39
9 技术经济性分析 43
结论 44
致 谢 45
参考文献 46