In the 21st century, China's economy has developed rapidly, its industrialization has deepened greatly, and rail transit has gradually developed into China's main mode of transportation due to its large loading capacity, fast speed, and small land area. It is also a key project in China's infrastructure construction. The railway is affected by the constant increase in speed and load on the axle of the vehicle and the constant increase in stress in the welded railway track. If no recovery measures are taken, the defect may deteriorate and may eventually develop into a complete orbital fracture. This is the main reason for the derailment of the train. Therefore, it is imperative to study an efficient, accurate and economical means of track detection.
This topic mainly studies the non-destructive testing platform for railroad tracks, and uses non-destructive testing technology to detect damage to railroad tracks. Its main design content is based on the current status of non-destructive testing and the development of non-destructive testing. The structure of the non-destructive testing platform is studied: the scheme and the overall design are carried out. Calculation and determination, design scheme to improve the quality of nondestructive testing.
Finally, draw the floor plan and three-dimensional simulation map of the nondestructive testing platform, analyze the non-destructive testing platform, and write a project description.
Key words: non-destructive testing; Platform; Rail tracks; design
In the 21st century, China's economy has developed rapidly, its industrialization has deepened greatly, and rail transit has gradually developed into China's main mode of transportation due to its large loading capacity, fast speed, and small land area. It is also a key project in China's infrastructure construction. The railway is affected by the constant increase in speed and load on the axle of the vehicle and the constant increase in stress in the welded railway track. If no recovery measures are taken, the defect may deteriorate and may eventually develop into a complete orbital fracture. This is the main reason for the derailment of the train. Therefore, it is imperative to study an efficient, accurate and economical means of track detection.
This topic mainly studies the non-destructive testing platform for railroad tracks, and uses non-destructive testing technology to detect damage to railroad tracks. Its main design content is based on the current status of non-destructive testing and the development of non-destructive testing. The structure of the non-destructive testing platform is studied: the scheme and the overall design are carried out. Calculation and determination, design scheme to improve the quality of nondestructive testing.
Finally, draw the floor plan and three-dimensional simulation map of the nondestructive testing platform, analyze the non-destructive testing platform, and write a project description.
Key words: non-destructive testing; Platform; Rail tracks; design
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
1. 绪论 1
1.1. 课题研究背景及意义 1
1.2. 超声波检测简介 1
1.3. 国内外列车发展状况 2
1.4. 国内外无损检测发展 4
1.4.1. 国内轨道检测发展 5
1.4.2. 国外发展情况及应用 5
1.5. 课题所研究的内容 5
2. 无损检测平台整体方案设计 8
2.1. 无损检测平台参数要求 8
2.2. 无损检测平台总体方案设计 9
2.3. 无损检测平台传动方案的设计 10
3. 无损检测平台机械结构设计 13
3.1. 无损检测平台车架设计 14
3.1.1. 电机选型计算 15
3.1.2. 动力电池选型计算 18
3.2. 无损检测平台参数校核 18
3.2.1. 底盘校核计算 18
3.2.2. 座椅校核计算 19
3.2.3. 计算无损检测平台偏载 20
3.2.4. 联轴器剪切强度校核结算 24
4. 无损检测平台探伤系统设计 25
4.1. 无损检测平台探头选择 25
4.2. 探轮随动机构设计 25
5. 电路控制部分的设计 29
5.1. 设计控制电路应遵循的原则 29
5.2. 控制电路的设计步骤 29
6. 总结 31
7. 致谢 32
8. 参考文献 33