摘 要
In this paper, we combined The robot automatic control technology and man-machine integration technology combined with Solidworks, CAD analysis software design of trunk spraying robot, which can complete the design task of trunk spraying robot, task analysis, task processing, detection task control system. The mechanical structure design process, make full use of Solidworks software functions. The design has the graphical, modular, hierarchical structure and improve the design efficiency. In the course of structural analysis, make full use of Solidworks, the function of CAD software, make the analysis more Reasonable and accurate analysis results. Upon completion of the design, manufacturing, processing and found problems in the process, to further improve the work. Finally, using the Arduino control panel. The trunk spraying robot was controlled. So this topic design of trunk spraying robot, the application of mechatronic technology, application analysis software that is of great significance to solve the problems in the manufacturing process.
Key words: Trunk spraying technology, mechatronic technology, Solidworks, CAD, Arduino
In this paper, we combined The robot automatic control technology and man-machine integration technology combined with Solidworks, CAD analysis software design of trunk spraying robot, which can complete the design task of trunk spraying robot, task analysis, task processing, detection task control system. The mechanical structure design process, make full use of Solidworks software functions. The design has the graphical, modular, hierarchical structure and improve the design efficiency. In the course of structural analysis, make full use of Solidworks, the function of CAD software, make the analysis more Reasonable and accurate analysis results. Upon completion of the design, manufacturing, processing and found problems in the process, to further improve the work. Finally, using the Arduino control panel. The trunk spraying robot was controlled. So this topic design of trunk spraying robot, the application of mechatronic technology, application analysis software that is of great significance to solve the problems in the manufacturing process.
Key words: Trunk spraying technology, mechatronic technology, Solidworks, CAD, Arduino
目 录
1. 绪论 11.1 课题的目的和意义 1
1.2 国内外喷涂机器人发展概况 1
1.3 本论文研究的主要内容 3
2. 树干喷涂机器人结构设计 4
2.1 树干喷涂机器人车身设计 4
2.2 树干喷涂机器人石灰水箱设计 8
2.3 电机、车轮、水泵的选型 11
2.4 本章总结 15
3. 树干喷涂机器人机械手设计 16
3.1 机械手设计 16
3.2机械手升降结构设计 19
3.3 轴承的选型与设计 23
3.4 四杆机构运动示意图 24
3.5 本章小结 24
4. 控制结构设计 25
4.1 Arduino控制方案 25
4.2 控制程序设计流程图 26
4.3 本章小结 27
5. 树干喷涂机器人实物制作 27
5.1 制作过程中遇到的问题 27
5.2 问题的解决方案 27
5.3 实物展示 28
6. 结论 30
参考文献 31
致谢 32