关键词 :下脚料;干燥;粉末干燥器
With China's increasing demand for feed and shortage of resources. Feed production is already an important problem in our country. The best solution to this problem is to recycle animal waste.
In view of the drying and utilization of animal wastes, a powder drier is designed, which is mainly used for the transportation and drying utilization of livestock wastes. The design needs reasonable simplicity, high efficiency, effective drying of livestock waste and transformation into useful resources. The powder dryer is divided into a specialized rotary, three cylinder, single cylinder and other structures. According to the different structure and matching equipment of the processed materials, it is studied how to match the feeding machine, dryer and hot air into a professional powder dryer.
Key words: waste material; drying; powder drier
1.1 概述 4
1.2 国内的发展概况 4
1.3 国外的发展概况 5
1.4 本课题设计的目的 5
1.5 工艺的设计: 5
1.6 主要的设备与装置 7
表1-3 主要的设备与装置 7
2 造粒过筛机 8
3 粉末干燥机 8
2 粉末干燥机特性原理 9
2.1 粉末干燥机的特点 9
2.2 粉末干燥机的基本原理 9
2.3 粉末干燥机的分类 9
2.4 干燥设备的改进发展 10
3 粉末干燥机的计算 11
3.1粉末干燥机的条件参数 11
3.2 干燥机相关结构参数的计算 11
3.2.1 物料产生的热量计算 11
3.2.2 干燥机的干燥尺寸的相关计算: 11
3.2.3 干燥机功率的计算: 12
3.2.5 筒的强度与刚度计算 15
3.2.6 密封罩和排气管的相关参数计算 22
(1)设计时的跟据: 22
(2)空气对流量的计算: 22
(3)排气管径的计算: 23
(4) 引风机的选择 23
4 设备的安装和调试 23
4.1 设备的安装 24
表4-1故障及措施 24
6 设计小结 24
参考文献 25
关键词 :下脚料;干燥;粉末干燥器
With China's increasing demand for feed and shortage of resources. Feed production is already an important problem in our country. The best solution to this problem is to recycle animal waste.
In view of the drying and utilization of animal wastes, a powder drier is designed, which is mainly used for the transportation and drying utilization of livestock wastes. The design needs reasonable simplicity, high efficiency, effective drying of livestock waste and transformation into useful resources. The powder dryer is divided into a specialized rotary, three cylinder, single cylinder and other structures. According to the different structure and matching equipment of the processed materials, it is studied how to match the feeding machine, dryer and hot air into a professional powder dryer.
Key words: waste material; drying; powder drier
1.1 概述 4
1.2 国内的发展概况 4
1.3 国外的发展概况 5
1.4 本课题设计的目的 5
1.5 工艺的设计: 5
1.6 主要的设备与装置 7
表1-3 主要的设备与装置 7
2 造粒过筛机 8
3 粉末干燥机 8
2 粉末干燥机特性原理 9
2.1 粉末干燥机的特点 9
2.2 粉末干燥机的基本原理 9
2.3 粉末干燥机的分类 9
2.4 干燥设备的改进发展 10
3 粉末干燥机的计算 11
3.1粉末干燥机的条件参数 11
3.2 干燥机相关结构参数的计算 11
3.2.1 物料产生的热量计算 11
3.2.2 干燥机的干燥尺寸的相关计算: 11
3.2.3 干燥机功率的计算: 12
3.2.5 筒的强度与刚度计算 15
3.2.6 密封罩和排气管的相关参数计算 22
(1)设计时的跟据: 22
(2)空气对流量的计算: 22
(3)排气管径的计算: 23
(4) 引风机的选择 23
4 设备的安装和调试 23
4.1 设备的安装 24
表4-1故障及措施 24
6 设计小结 24
参考文献 25