摘 要
In this paper. Through the research on mechanical properties of snow, comparative analysis of domestic and foreign research status for the snowplow. This design is provided by the gasoline engine and this project use the curved hit the ice. Therefore, clear goals and the best results is cleaning snow is achieved.
This paper analyzes the structure design and motion of the plow, the structure design and the movement through the drawing software UG and Solidworks 3D graphics software and AUTOCAD combined with two-dimensional design, and this design will provide the necessary reference for the domestic production of such a plow.
Key words:Hit the ice; Hand-push; Structure design;
In northern China ,the annual snowfall is relatively large, and the period is very long, resulting in excessive snow on the expressway and township roads, leading to traffic acdients, at the same time, it brings great inconvenience to people. In our country, the large snow blower’s technology has achieved higher result. But it also have many drawback. For example, it can’t cleaning completely in the corner. In addition, it also prove the function about break the ice and so on. So, the research on the design of hand push type plow has practical value.In this paper. Through the research on mechanical properties of snow, comparative analysis of domestic and foreign research status for the snowplow. This design is provided by the gasoline engine and this project use the curved hit the ice. Therefore, clear goals and the best results is cleaning snow is achieved.
This paper analyzes the structure design and motion of the plow, the structure design and the movement through the drawing software UG and Solidworks 3D graphics software and AUTOCAD combined with two-dimensional design, and this design will provide the necessary reference for the domestic production of such a plow.
Key words:Hit the ice; Hand-push; Structure design;
Abstract II目录 I
1 绪论 1
1.1 选题意义 1
1.2 国内外铲雪车的发展现状 1
1.3 除雪工具的分类 5
1.4 设计的任务 5
2 路面积雪特性的研究 6
3 小型手推式铲雪车设计方案 8
3.1 总体方案及其比较 8
3.2 小型手推式铲雪车的工作原理 8
3.3 小型手推式铲雪车基本结构的确定 10
4 小型铲雪车的设计计算和校核 12
4.1 链传动的计算 12
4.2 传动轴的结构设计和校核 16
4.3 蜗轮蜗杆减速装置设计 20
4.4 搅龙轴的设计 25
4.5 搅龙叶片的设计 26
4.6 抛雪叶轮简述 27
4.7 二维CAD装配图 27
5 小型手推式铲雪车的三维造型 29
5.1 主要部件的装配图 29
5.2 小型手推式铲雪车的总体造型 31
6 环保评估 32
结论 33
参考文献 34
致谢 62