关键词:电动 小型 播种机
关键词:电动 小型 播种机
With the development of the greenhouse and the consiousness of protecting our ervironment ,boosting up ,the apply of the powy machine becomes more important ,especially the machine with electric power .but at the present time the seeding-machine which is adopted abroadly is drived ba gad engine or man
power .this kind of minitype seeding-machine knows from the conventional seeding-machine .Its novel aspect is its drive set which are drived by electric power completly ,so they will improve the work condition ,and accord with euthenics .
This design is applied mostly with the farms of the farmers ,they can also used to fertilize、abrade、get rid of grass and so on ,when we incress some equipment .My design introduce the structure of the seeding-machine and the types of many parts 、some request an fuction .My design introduce the drive equipment of the machine and the types of many parts 、request and fuction .My design also introduce the drive equipment of the machine and the request of the parts which consist of the selecting of the power 、the size 、the design of the axial 、chain wheel 、some other parts and so on .We must consider suiting well of the depth 、 the row spacing 、the distance of scoop and the rate of seeds breaking up when seeding .In my design ,while thinking over applied ,I give attention to saving econmy ,consequently achieve structure in reason 、the cost of produce lowness 、 the cost of power lowness 、the effidiency highness and convenient when operating .
KEY WORDS :electromotion minitype seeding-machine
With the development of the greenhouse and the consiousness of protecting our ervironment ,boosting up ,the apply of the powy machine becomes more important ,especially the machine with electric power .but at the present time the seeding-machine which is adopted abroadly is drived ba gad engine or man
power .this kind of minitype seeding-machine knows from the conventional seeding-machine .Its novel aspect is its drive set which are drived by electric power completly ,so they will improve the work condition ,and accord with euthenics .
This design is applied mostly with the farms of the farmers ,they can also used to fertilize、abrade、get rid of grass and so on ,when we incress some equipment .My design introduce the structure of the seeding-machine and the types of many parts 、some request an fuction .My design introduce the drive equipment of the machine and the types of many parts 、request and fuction .My design also introduce the drive equipment of the machine and the request of the parts which consist of the selecting of the power 、the size 、the design of the axial 、chain wheel 、some other parts and so on .We must consider suiting well of the depth 、 the row spacing 、the distance of scoop and the rate of seeds breaking up when seeding .In my design ,while thinking over applied ,I give attention to saving econmy ,consequently achieve structure in reason 、the cost of produce lowness 、 the cost of power lowness 、the effidiency highness and convenient when operating .
KEY WORDS :electromotion minitype seeding-machine
摘要 I
abstract II
1.绪论 1
1.1 设计的理论意义和应用价值 1
1.1.1 本课题设计的理论意义 1
1.1.2 本课题设计的应用价值 1
1.2 免耕播种机的发展现状 1
1.2.1 国外保护性耕作发展现状 1
1.2.2 国外免耕播种机的研究概况 2
1.2.3 国内保护性耕作发展现状 2
1.2.4 国内免耕播种机的研究概况 2
1.3 我国免耕播种机存在的问题 3
1.4 国内外保护性工作发展趋势 3
1.4.1 国外保护性耕作技术的发展呈现以下趋势: 3
1.4.2 我国保护性耕作发展趋势主要体现在以下几点: 4
2 总体设计 5
2.1 概述 5
2.2 设计任务 5
2.3 设计目的 5
2.4 动力方案选择 6
2.5 设计题目分析及设计思想 7
2.6 设计主参数及机构类型确定 7
2.6.1 工作速度 7
2.6.2 确定播量 7
2.6.3 种、肥箱的容积 8
2.6.4 机架设计 8
2.6.5 工作幅度 8
2.6.6 排种、排肥机构设计 8
2.6.7 开沟器设计 11
2.6.8 覆土器设计 14
2.6.9 镇压轮设计 14
2.6.10 地轮设计 15
摘要 I
abstract II
1.绪论 1
1.1 设计的理论意义和应用价值 1
1.1.1 本课题设计的理论意义 1
1.1.2 本课题设计的应用价值 1
1.2 免耕播种机的发展现状 1
1.2.1 国外保护性耕作发展现状 1
1.2.2 国外免耕播种机的研究概况 2
1.2.3 国内保护性耕作发展现状 2
1.2.4 国内免耕播种机的研究概况 2
1.3 我国免耕播种机存在的问题 3
1.4 国内外保护性工作发展趋势 3
1.4.1 国外保护性耕作技术的发展呈现以下趋势: 3
1.4.2 我国保护性耕作发展趋势主要体现在以下几点: 4
2 总体设计 5
2.1 概述 5
2.2 设计任务 5
2.3 设计目的 5
2.4 动力方案选择 6
2.5 设计题目分析及设计思想 7
2.6 设计主参数及机构类型确定 7
2.6.1 工作速度 7
2.6.2 确定播量 7
2.6.3 种、肥箱的容积 8
2.6.4 机架设计 8
2.6.5 工作幅度 8
2.6.6 排种、排肥机构设计 8
2.6.7 开沟器设计 11
2.6.8 覆土器设计 14
2.6.9 镇压轮设计 14
2.6.10 地轮设计 15
3 传动设计及播种技术措施 16
3.1 传动原理简图和动力传递路线图 16
3.1.1 传动原理简图 16
3.2 传动原理 16
3.3 技术措施 17
3.3.1 播种均匀性和各行排量一致性措施 17
3.3.2 降低破种率措施 17
3.3.3 种肥同播时,肥料的利用率 18
4.零部件设计 19
4.1 种箱及肥箱设计 19
4.2 开沟器设计及校核 19
4.3 排种器 21
4.4 地轮参数确定 22
4.4.1 轮子直径和轮辋宽度的确定 22
4.5 电机和电瓶选择及链轮设计 22
4.5.1 电机总功率确定 22
4.5.2 电动机及电瓶的选择 23
4.6 地轮轴设计 28
4.7 键的校核 34
4.8 销的校核 35
4.9 轴承的校核 35
5 电气控制系统设计 36
5.1 电气系统设计的原则 36
5.2 电气元件的选择 36
5.2.1 电机的选择 36
6 播种机的使用 37
6.1 播种量调整 37
6.2 实际操作说明 38
6.2.1 播种作业前的准备 38
6.2.2 的试播及作业 39
6.2.3 播种机的保养与保管 40
6.2.4 播种质量检查 40
7.三维建模软件的应用 42
7.1 基本零部件的建模 42
7.2 零件的装配 43
8.结论 44
参考文献 45
致谢 46