关键词 碟形弹簧 测力 分选 弹性系数 电动机
In recent years, the rapid development of machinery industry, automobile industry and other industries, and promote the development of the product design and manufacturing process equipment and industrial spring material such as spring. Due to the need of the industry, for the spring testing and sorting equipment design and development, industrial development is the inevitable trend of spring. Spring sorter is installed in the spring of the detection processing section processes the line. In this regard, the design is a disc spring sorting machine design, which involves mechanical, electrical and other aspects of technology, is a typical mechatronic system design, primarily sorter disc spring mechanism design. Combined with the currently available technology, to develop a set of high level of automation, safe, reliable, cost-effective disc spring CNC automatic sorting machine. Spring testing is an essential step of its production process. One of the main load is detected. The spring force of the spring parameters directly affect the performance and operation. Especially in high-precision springs and spring required matching or supporting the use of force by demanding parameters sorting packaging.
Combining the characteristics of the disc spring, in the production of this paper is to design the disc spring, according to the different modulus of elasticity, elasticity test according to the different indicators screened different modulus of elasticity of the spring disc, and into a different tank falls to coned disc spring reaches the sorting purposes. Experimental design performance requirements in accordance with the design requirements of the standard test for continuous operation, the motive power source is an electric motor which is based on the range of screening the diameter of the disc spring is 50mm-100mm.
Keywords Disc spring force Dorting Dhe elastic coefficient The electric motor
目 录
1 绪论 3
1.1 课题研究的目的及意义 3
1.2 工作原理 3
1.3 国外分选机研究现状 4
1.4 国内分选机研究现状 4
2 方案的选择与设计 6
2.1 本课题的设计任务 6
2.2 设计思想和思路 6
2.3 上料机构的设计 6
2.4 定位方案选择 7
2.5 测力机构的选择 10
2.6 分选机构方案的选择 10
3 总体的机构设计 12
3.1 碟形弹簧分选机总体要求 12
3.1.1 工作环境 12
3.1.2 主要性能要求 12
3.1.3 工件要求 12
3.2 碟形弹簧测力分选机机构组成 12
4 零件的结构设计 14
4.1 托盘设计 14
4.2 轴的设计 15
4.3 键的选择 16
4.3.1 大键的选择 16
4.3.2 小键的选择 17
4.4 齿轮的设计 17
4.4.1 大齿轮的设计 17
4.4.2 小齿轮的设计 18
4.5 机座的设计 19
4.6 气压缸的选择 20
4.7 轴承的选择 20
4.8 液压缸的选择 23
4.9 轴承盖的选择 23
4.10 电动机的选择 24
5 强度校核 26
5.1液压缸的强度校核 26
5.2 托盘的强度校核 29
结 论 34
致 谢 35
参考文献 36
附件:碟形弹簧测力分选机结构设计装配图及零件图 37
关键词 碟形弹簧 测力 分选 弹性系数 电动机
In recent years, the rapid development of machinery industry, automobile industry and other industries, and promote the development of the product design and manufacturing process equipment and industrial spring material such as spring. Due to the need of the industry, for the spring testing and sorting equipment design and development, industrial development is the inevitable trend of spring. Spring sorter is installed in the spring of the detection processing section processes the line. In this regard, the design is a disc spring sorting machine design, which involves mechanical, electrical and other aspects of technology, is a typical mechatronic system design, primarily sorter disc spring mechanism design. Combined with the currently available technology, to develop a set of high level of automation, safe, reliable, cost-effective disc spring CNC automatic sorting machine. Spring testing is an essential step of its production process. One of the main load is detected. The spring force of the spring parameters directly affect the performance and operation. Especially in high-precision springs and spring required matching or supporting the use of force by demanding parameters sorting packaging.
Combining the characteristics of the disc spring, in the production of this paper is to design the disc spring, according to the different modulus of elasticity, elasticity test according to the different indicators screened different modulus of elasticity of the spring disc, and into a different tank falls to coned disc spring reaches the sorting purposes. Experimental design performance requirements in accordance with the design requirements of the standard test for continuous operation, the motive power source is an electric motor which is based on the range of screening the diameter of the disc spring is 50mm-100mm.
Keywords Disc spring force Dorting Dhe elastic coefficient The electric motor
目 录
1 绪论 3
1.1 课题研究的目的及意义 3
1.2 工作原理 3
1.3 国外分选机研究现状 4
1.4 国内分选机研究现状 4
2 方案的选择与设计 6
2.1 本课题的设计任务 6
2.2 设计思想和思路 6
2.3 上料机构的设计 6
2.4 定位方案选择 7
2.5 测力机构的选择 10
2.6 分选机构方案的选择 10
3 总体的机构设计 12
3.1 碟形弹簧分选机总体要求 12
3.1.1 工作环境 12
3.1.2 主要性能要求 12
3.1.3 工件要求 12
3.2 碟形弹簧测力分选机机构组成 12
4 零件的结构设计 14
4.1 托盘设计 14
4.2 轴的设计 15
4.3 键的选择 16
4.3.1 大键的选择 16
4.3.2 小键的选择 17
4.4 齿轮的设计 17
4.4.1 大齿轮的设计 17
4.4.2 小齿轮的设计 18
4.5 机座的设计 19
4.6 气压缸的选择 20
4.7 轴承的选择 20
4.8 液压缸的选择 23
4.9 轴承盖的选择 23
4.10 电动机的选择 24
5 强度校核 26
5.1液压缸的强度校核 26
5.2 托盘的强度校核 29
结 论 34
致 谢 35
参考文献 36
附件:碟形弹簧测力分选机结构设计装配图及零件图 37