摘 要
关键字 转台;仿真;驱动元件
Aviation and aerospace industry development level is an important symbol of national science and technology, economy and national defense strength. While the turntable as aviation, aerospace and other fields ofhardware-in-the-loop simulation and test of key equipment, also in the process of its development has played a very important role.The flight simulation turntable simulation not only speed up the process of development of weapon and flight control system, also is development cost is greatly reduced, at the same time it is to ensure that aviation and aerospace model product and the basis of weapon system accuracy and performance. Therefore, the study of the turntable and manufacturing for the development of aviation, aerospace industry and national defense construction plays an important role.
The graduation design main job is to the existing research and analysis for three axis turntable flight, clear the working principle and structure of the three-axis turntable part of inspection for the laboratory existing conditions and its modeling, given the current size of various objects and the relative position, and the design frame motor single channel of frame structure, the test motor single channel test structure and frame motor test structure, writing essays.
Keywords turntable;simulation;driving element
摘要 IAbstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题研究的目的、背景和意义 1
1.2 国内外测试转台的发展概况 1
1.2.1 国外对测试转台的研究 1
1.2.2 国内对测试转台的研究 3
1.3 未来转台发展趋势 5
1.4 本章小结 5
第2章 半实物仿真 6
2.1 半实物仿真系统定义 6
2.2 半实物仿真的先进性及其特点 6
2.3 半实物仿真的基本组成和原理 6
2.4 三轴飞型转台与半实物仿真 7
2.5 本章小结 8
第3章 三轴转台的概述 9
3.1 三轴转台工作原理的概述 9
3.2 仿真转台驱动原件的选择和标准 9
3.2.1 液压驱动的优缺点 9
3.2.2 电机驱动的优缺点 10
3.3 驱动型式的选择 10
3.4 本章小结 11
第4章 驱动元件试验场地 13
4.1 实验室地基 13
4.2 储能器 13
4.3 实验室整体建模 14
4.4 本章小结 15
第5章 外框马达单通道实验方案 16
5.1 试验环境 16
5.2 马达受力计算 16
5.3 负载盘设计 16
5.3.1 设计条件 16
5.3.2 偏载件 17
5.3.3 负载盘 17
5.3.4 负载总成 18
5.4 底座 19
5.5 外框驱动元件试验结构 21
5.6 本章小结 22
第6章 中框马达与内框电机试验 24
6.1 中框马达试验 24
6.1.1 试验环境 24
6.1.2 模拟负载 24
6.1.3 底座 25
6.1.4 安装弯板 25
6.2 内框电机试验 25
6.2.1 模拟负载 25
6.2.2 电机的安装及固定 25
6.3 中框马达和内框电机试验 26
6.4本章小结 27
结论 28
致谢 29
参考文献 30