摘 要
关键词 齿轮、同步器、变速器
This design task is to design a car for five manual shift transmission. Reasonable design and decorate transmission can make the engine power to get the most reasonable use of, so as to improve the dynamic performance and fuel economy cars. Variable speed transmission's main function is to change the torque and speed of numerical and direction; Operation is the main purpose of control transmission mechanism, realize the transmission ratio of the gearbox change, which realize the shift, in order to achieve the change from the speed.
This article refer to the domestic and foreign many papers, and first simply describes the mechanical transmission of the history, the status and effect of the transmission, and discussed its present situation and future development trend. And then we study the basic structure of the mechanical transmission and variable speed principle, which focus on the transmission mechanism (mainly shaft and gear) the basic structure, characteristic and work principle, mechanical transmission of each block transmission line are briefly analyzed. The articles included a large amount of calculation process, and the specific contents: the layout of transmission analysis, the transmission structure paramete determination of turning a synchronizer, the structure and the working principle, each block of the gear axis strength check, the intensity, the service life of the bearings calculations, etc.
Keywords Gear, Shaft, Synchronizer, Three axis five gear
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 本设计的目的和意义 1
1.2 变速器的发展 1
1.3变速器的设计要求 3
1.4设计内容与思路 3
1.4.1设计内容 3
1.4.2设计思路 4
1.5本章小结 4
第2章 变速器的整体结构方案设计 5
2.1变速器传动机构的型式选择与结构分析 5
2.1.1变速器传动方案的比较 5
2.1.2倒档的布置方案 6
2.2本章小结 7
第3章 变速器主要参数的选择与齿轮设计 9
3.1变速器主要参数的选择 9
3.1.1档位数和传动比 9
3.1.2中心距 10
3.1.3齿轮模数 11
3.1.4压力角α、螺旋角β和齿宽b 12
3.1.5齿轮的变位系数 13
3.2各档传动比及其齿轮齿数的确定 13
3.2.1确定一档齿轮的齿数 13
3.2.2确定常啮合齿轮副的齿数 14
3.2.3确定其他档位的齿数 15
3.2.4确定倒档齿轮的齿数 15
3.2.5确定齿轮轮齿尺寸 15
3.3本章小结 16
第4章 变速器齿轮的强度计算与材料选择 17
4.1齿轮的主要失效形式 17
4.2齿轮的强度计算及材料接触应力 17
4.2.1齿轮弯曲强度计算 17
4.2.2齿轮材料接触应力 19
4.3本章小结 21
第5章 变速器轴的设计与校核 22
5.1变速器轴的结构和尺寸 22
5.1.1轴的结构 22
5.1.2轴的尺寸 22
5.2轴的校核 23
5.2.1第一轴的强度与刚度校核 23
5.2.2第二轴的强度与刚度校核 24
5.3本章小结 26
第6章 变速器同步器与操纵机构的设计 27
6.1同步器设计 27
6.1.1同步器的工作原理 27
6.1.2同步环主要参数的确定 28
6.2变速器的操纵机构 30
6.2.1操纵机构的功用 30
6.2.2操纵机构的设计要求 31
6.2.3变速器的换档位置 32
6.3本章小结 32
第7章 轴承的选用与寿命计算 33
7.1 第一轴轴承选用与计算 33
7.2第二轴轴承选用与计算 33
7.3本章小结 34
结 论 41
致 谢 42
参考文献 43
关键词 齿轮、同步器、变速器
This design task is to design a car for five manual shift transmission. Reasonable design and decorate transmission can make the engine power to get the most reasonable use of, so as to improve the dynamic performance and fuel economy cars. Variable speed transmission's main function is to change the torque and speed of numerical and direction; Operation is the main purpose of control transmission mechanism, realize the transmission ratio of the gearbox change, which realize the shift, in order to achieve the change from the speed.
This article refer to the domestic and foreign many papers, and first simply describes the mechanical transmission of the history, the status and effect of the transmission, and discussed its present situation and future development trend. And then we study the basic structure of the mechanical transmission and variable speed principle, which focus on the transmission mechanism (mainly shaft and gear) the basic structure, characteristic and work principle, mechanical transmission of each block transmission line are briefly analyzed. The articles included a large amount of calculation process, and the specific contents: the layout of transmission analysis, the transmission structure paramete determination of turning a synchronizer, the structure and the working principle, each block of the gear axis strength check, the intensity, the service life of the bearings calculations, etc.
Keywords Gear, Shaft, Synchronizer, Three axis five gear
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 本设计的目的和意义 1
1.2 变速器的发展 1
1.3变速器的设计要求 3
1.4设计内容与思路 3
1.4.1设计内容 3
1.4.2设计思路 4
1.5本章小结 4
第2章 变速器的整体结构方案设计 5
2.1变速器传动机构的型式选择与结构分析 5
2.1.1变速器传动方案的比较 5
2.1.2倒档的布置方案 6
2.2本章小结 7
第3章 变速器主要参数的选择与齿轮设计 9
3.1变速器主要参数的选择 9
3.1.1档位数和传动比 9
3.1.2中心距 10
3.1.3齿轮模数 11
3.1.4压力角α、螺旋角β和齿宽b 12
3.1.5齿轮的变位系数 13
3.2各档传动比及其齿轮齿数的确定 13
3.2.1确定一档齿轮的齿数 13
3.2.2确定常啮合齿轮副的齿数 14
3.2.3确定其他档位的齿数 15
3.2.4确定倒档齿轮的齿数 15
3.2.5确定齿轮轮齿尺寸 15
3.3本章小结 16
第4章 变速器齿轮的强度计算与材料选择 17
4.1齿轮的主要失效形式 17
4.2齿轮的强度计算及材料接触应力 17
4.2.1齿轮弯曲强度计算 17
4.2.2齿轮材料接触应力 19
4.3本章小结 21
第5章 变速器轴的设计与校核 22
5.1变速器轴的结构和尺寸 22
5.1.1轴的结构 22
5.1.2轴的尺寸 22
5.2轴的校核 23
5.2.1第一轴的强度与刚度校核 23
5.2.2第二轴的强度与刚度校核 24
5.3本章小结 26
第6章 变速器同步器与操纵机构的设计 27
6.1同步器设计 27
6.1.1同步器的工作原理 27
6.1.2同步环主要参数的确定 28
6.2变速器的操纵机构 30
6.2.1操纵机构的功用 30
6.2.2操纵机构的设计要求 31
6.2.3变速器的换档位置 32
6.3本章小结 32
第7章 轴承的选用与寿命计算 33
7.1 第一轴轴承选用与计算 33
7.2第二轴轴承选用与计算 33
7.3本章小结 34
结 论 41
致 谢 42
参考文献 43