摘 要
China is a country with great coal. coal is China's main energy, also,it is the guarantee of our country national economy rapid growth of the important matter foundation. With the development of integrated mechanization coal mining machine, now the main coal mining machinery. In our country, in a widely distributed resource, thick coal seam, coal quality is good. But the mechanization mining technology relatively slow pace of development, with a large number of coal mines in the thick coal seam mining resources, increase work efficiency, enhances the coal mining machine is more and more important. The shearer cutting unit for a mining machine is very important, because the cutting mechanism of shearer is achieved, the main components of coal on coal.
The manual discusses the design and calculation of the main drive of the shearer cuttingthe Department of Mechanical structure. The cutting unit drive design uses the motoroutput power through three spur gear and planetary bodies slow down, and finally drivenspiral roller to achieve the coal. Structure of the cutting unit mechanical main drive gears, shafts and bearings in the design process, design calculations, strength check and selection, and ultimately meet the needs of the shearer cutting unit mechanical structural design of the main drive.
Key words:Shearer; Cutting agency;Cutting Unit;Planetary bodies.
第一章 绪论 1
1.1采煤机研究的目的 1
1.2采煤机研究的方向 1
1.3 国内外采煤机的发展及趋势 2
1.3.1国内采煤机的发展概况 2
1.3.2国外采煤机的发展概况 3
1.4 本次设计的主要结构特点和研究内容 3
1.4.1 关于双滚筒采煤机的整体结构特点 3
1.4.2 本次设计的主要研究内容 5
第二章 双滚筒采煤机截割部的方案设计 6
2.1双滚筒采煤机截割部设计方案的制定 6
2.1.1双滚筒采煤机截割部设计方案的确定 6
2.1.2采煤机截割部相关布置 7
第三章 双滚筒采煤机的截割部设计及计算 10
3.1截割部电动机功率计算及电动机选型 10
3.1.1截割部生产功率的计算 10
3.1.2 截割部摇臂的摆角和电动机的选型 11
3.2 截割部总传动比的计算分配及动力参数的确定 12
3.2.1 总传动比的确定 12
3.2.2 传动比的分配 12
3.2.3 各轴转速、功率、转矩的确定 13
3.3 齿轮参数计算 14
3.3.1 确定第一对啮合齿轮

3.3.2 确定第二对啮合齿轮

3.3.3 确定第三对啮合齿轮的参数 19
3.3.4 确定行星齿轮的参数 22
3.4 轴组件结构设计 25
3.4.1 截一轴尺寸的确定 25
3.4.2 截二轴尺寸的确定 26
3.4.3 截三轴尺寸的确定 27
第四章 强度校核 29
4.1 齿轮传动强度的校核计算 29
4.1.1 第一对齿轮的强度校核 29
4.1.2 行星轮系校核 31
4.2 轴的强度校核 36
4.2.1 齿轮轴的受力分析 36
4.2.2 计算弯矩、转矩,并画弯矩图 37
4.3 轴承的选择 38
4.4 轴上渐开线花键的强度计算 39
4.5 螺旋滚筒相关计算 40
4.6润滑和冷却 44
设计总结 45
参考文献 47
致谢 48