摘 要
关键词:木材圆盘锯切割锯 锯片 皮带轮传动 主轴 机架 电机
Woodworking machinery furniture, building materials and decoration, etc. basis. The wood cutting circular saw is essential for the production process of wood processing machinery and equipment, wood processing plants in a variety of everywhere.Also known as circular saw circular saw, is the application of a wide range of woodworking machinery, he is by the bed, table and saw shaft components. Large circular saw base must be installed on solid and reliable basis, small can be directly placed on the ground, table height of about 900mm. Saw shaft bearings mounted within the base, saw the general use of the rotational axis of the belt drive, but the new machine is directly driven by electric motors. Some saw machine table can be tilted 45 ° angle, more modern machine table saw, always maintain the level, but can automatically tilt the saw blade, which not only brought about a great convenience, but also safer .
The project is to design a circular cutting saw wood, wood used for rough cutting process. The circular saw mainly from the rack, table, saw shaft, cutting blade, guide foot, transmission and safety devices, etc. structures. By comparison, to determine the final design for wood cutting circular saws and characteristics of the structural requirements for the design and description of the drive pulley to determine the movements of one side. Circular saw and then the section properties of the spindle, and spindle and support the strength, stiffness was checked checked. Designed to ensure that the timber meet the requirements of circular cutting saws.
Keywords: Wood Cutting Saw Circular Saw Saw Pulley drive Spindle rack Motor
目 录
摘 要 1
第一章 绪论 3
1.1产品分析及国内外发展现状 3
1.2课题分析 5
1.2.1设计内容及要求 5
1.2.2设计方法及技术路线 6
第二章 方案拟定 7
2.1拟定整体方案 7
2.2机械部件方案拟定 10
2.3控制系统方案拟定 14
第三章 机械部件设计计算 15
3.1电动机 15
3.1.1电机的选择和计算 15
3.2 V型带 18
3.2.1 V型带的计算 18
3.2.2选取带型 18
3.2.3确定带轮的基准直径 18
3.2.4验算带的速度 19
3.2.5确定V带长度和中心距 19
3.2.6计算小轮包角 20
3.2.7确定V带根数 20
3.2.8计算作用在轴上的压力 21
3.2.9带轮结构设计 21
3.3 圆锯机主轴 22
3.3.1材料选择 22
3.3.2轴的结构设计 22
3.3.3轴的强度校核 22
3.3.4轴的刚度校核 25
3.4 轴承 26
3.4.1轴承的选择 26
3.4.2轴承的校核 26
3.5 键的选择 26
3.6 润滑与密封 27
3.6.1 轴承的润滑 27
3.6.2 轴承密封的选择 27
第四章 CAD图纸 28
4.1整体装配图 28
4.2主轴装配图 28
第五章 设计小结 30
致谢 31
参考文献 32