摘 要
老式挤压成型打填机由蜂窝煤成型机改进得来,体积庞大,结构复杂,成本高,效率低。本设计从老式挤压成型打填机出发,在传动系统和执行机构上都做了很大的改进。本机每小时能生产4000个钵体,可广泛应用于玉米、蔬菜、瓜果等秧苗的制钵。该机采用单相电动机做动力源,可在广大的农村使用,不用担心需要较高的动力电压的问题。文中较详细的设计了挤压成型打填机的传动系统和执行机构,对各个零件做了具体的结构尺寸设计,并对受载荷较大的零件进行了精确的校核。包括齿轮、带轮、轴和轴承等零部件的校核。该机的设计大量运用标准件,大大缩短了设计工作量和降低了生产制造周期及成本。主要设计内容有:方案的确定;电机的选择;各轴的转速、功率和转矩计算;带、齿轮、及锥齿轮的设计与计算;轴的最小直径;带、齿轮、及锥齿轮的尺寸计算以及方案图、装配图和零件图的绘制。关键词:挤压成型打填机; 钵体; 传动系统 ;执行机构
The old system of seedlings from the legacy of improvement in the briquettes machine, the size, structure complex, high cost and low efficiency. The design of the legacy from the old system of starting seedlings in the transmission system and executing agencies have done on a lot of improvement. The machine can produce per hour legacy of 4000, can be widely applied to corn, vegetables, fruits and other seedlings of the legacy system. The aircraft uses a single-phase motors to power source, can be used in the vast rural areas, need not worry about a higher power voltage problem. In a more detailed design of the system for the seedlings Bowl drive system and implementing agencies, the various parts to do a specific size of the structure design, and in the larger load of spare parts for the precise calibration. Including gear, pulley, and axle bearings and other parts of the check. The extensive use of the aircraft design standard parts, greatly reducing the workload of the design and lower manufacturing costs and manufacturing cycle. Main design elements include: the determination of the project, choice of Motor and the speed of every axial, the calculation of power and torque, the design and calculation of the belt or gear and the Bevel gear, the smallest diameter of axis, calculation to the size of belt wheel and gears and Bevel gear and protracting the drawing of the project and the assemblage and the part.Key words: the legacy of the legacy of seedlings; Bowl transmission system Implementing agencies
目 录
摘 要 III
Abstract IV
目 录 V
1 绪 论 1
1.1 选题的目的和意义 1
1.2 本课题在国内外的研究状况 1
1.3 课题研究的内容及拟采取的技术、方法 2
2 育秧钵机的用途和设计要求 3
2.1 用途 3
2.2 设计要求 3
3 方案确定 5
3.1 工艺分析 5
3.1.1 最早的手工制秧钵的方法 5
3.1.2 运动机构 6
3.1.3 对各运动机构的要求 7
3.2 拟定机器的工作原理图和运动循环图 8
3.3 方案确定 10
3.3.1 模孔转盘方案的讨论 11
4 运动设计与动力计算 12
4.1 电动机的选择 12
4.1.1 电动机的功率确定 12
4.1.2 选择电动机 13
4.2 确定各传动机构的传动比 13
4.3 计算各轴的转速和功率 14
5章结构设计 16
5.1 模孔转盘的结构和尺寸 16
5.2 转盘齿轮的结构和尺寸 16
5.3 曲柄(偏心轮)滑块(滑杆)机构的结构尺寸 17
5.4 锥齿轮的结构尺寸 21
5.5 直齿圆柱齿轮的结构和尺寸 24
5.6 带轮的结构和尺寸 25
5.7 轴的结构设计 26
5.8 绘制总装配图 28
6主要零件的强度校核 30
6.1 转盘齿轮对(齿轮5、齿轮6) 30
7结论与展望 31
7.1 结论 31
7.2 展望 31
致谢 32
参考文献 33