
With the improvement of comprehensive national strength and the word of-science-andtechnologylevel,themanufacturinglevelofsphericaltankishigh-speeddevelopment.Inrecentyears,China'spetrochemicalindustry, synthetic amm- onia, the building of citygas,large-scalespherical tank is widely use.
Because of its unexampled advantages such as less floor area covering, high-pressure capability and transport facilitates,Spherical pressure tanks (hereinafter referred to as the―storage tankⅡ)used for storage of gas and liquefied gas more widely than other storage tanks in the oil,chemical,city gas,metallurgy and other fields. In recent years,China engineering and technical level of spherical tank has made great progress through the introduction,absorption and innovation of foreign spherical tank technology.
To meet the deman do four country gastor-age,and meet the demand flarge-scaletank in the petroleum,chemical,textile,metallurgical and other industries,it is urgent to develop the core technique of large-scale spherical tank with our own intellectual property rights.Construction of increasingly larger spherical tank is a complex and systematicproject,which involves a number of disciplines and technical fields. in view of research of key design and manufacture technology of 8000 m
large-scale liquefied petrolem gas tank,from the perspectives such as evaluation and selection of main material ,
With the improvement of comprehensive national strength and the word of-science-andtechnologylevel,themanufacturinglevelofsphericaltankishigh-speeddevelopment.Inrecentyears,China'spetrochemicalindustry, synthetic amm- onia, the building of citygas,large-scalespherical tank is widely use.
Because of its unexampled advantages such as less floor area covering, high-pressure capability and transport facilitates,Spherical pressure tanks (hereinafter referred to as the―storage tankⅡ)used for storage of gas and liquefied gas more widely than other storage tanks in the oil,chemical,city gas,metallurgy and other fields. In recent years,China engineering and technical level of spherical tank has made great progress through the introduction,absorption and innovation of foreign spherical tank technology.
To meet the deman do four country gastor-age,and meet the demand flarge-scaletank in the petroleum,chemical,textile,metallurgical and other industries,it is urgent to develop the core technique of large-scale spherical tank with our own intellectual property rights.Construction of increasingly larger spherical tank is a complex and systematicproject,which involves a number of disciplines and technical fields. in view of research of key design and manufacture technology of 8000 m

structure design theory and stress analysis,we have solved several key technology of spherical tank construction.This article has completed the primary research work coverage,which was shown as follows: (1) Based on well understanding of structure design and manufacturing methods of spherical tank , I write literature summary after reading a large number of domestic and foreign literature.(2) Through analysis and comparison of the materials,I finally select 15MnNbR;After the structural design of process and dimension calculation,I complete the calculation of structure and strength according to GB12337-98.(3) The drawings of the tank include an assembly drawing and several parts drawings.(4) For the junction between spherical shell and stanchion, stress analysis and strength assessment is completed .
Key Words:Spherical tank;Steel for pressure vessels;structure;stress analysis
目 录
Key Words:Spherical tank;Steel for pressure vessels;structure;stress analysis
目 录
第一章球罐设计 1
1.1 球罐设计的执行标准及法规 1
1.2 球壳结构 2
1.3 制作结构 2
1.4 拉杆结构 4
1.5 支柱与球壳连接下部结构 5
1.6 接管补强结构 6
1.7 球罐的设计方法 8
1.8球罐制造 8
1.9 球罐安全与安装技术 9
1.10球罐用钢的要求 10
第二章球罐的发展趋势与面临问题 11
2.1 球罐发展趋势 11
2.2 球罐大型化面临的问题 11
2.3几种典型球罐用钢的优劣对比 12
2.4国内外球罐的常用钢种 13

3.1 设计数据 14
3.2 基础资料 14
3.2.1 安装与运行地区气象环境条件 14
3.2.2 工作介质 15
3.2.3 运行要求 15
3.2.4 场地条件 15
3.4 球形储罐主要设计参数的设定 16
3.4.1 设计压力和设计温度 16
3.4.2 人孔、接管位置及尺寸的确定 16
3.4.3 腐蚀余量的确定 17
3.5 设计原则 17
3.5.1 设计规范的确定 17
3.5.2 压力试验方法 17
3.6 球壳设计 18
3.6.1 材料选用 18
3.6.2 球罐支柱数和分带角的确定 18
3.6.3 混合式结构的排板计算 18
3.6.4 球壳 19
3.6.5 开孔补强 20
3.6.6 安全泄放设计 21
3.6.7 法兰密封 21
3.7 球罐支柱与拉杆 21
3.7.1 球罐的连接结构确定 21
3.7.2 支柱结构 213.2.1 安装与运行地区气象环境条件 14
3.2.2 工作介质 15
3.2.3 运行要求 15
3.2.4 场地条件 15
3.4 球形储罐主要设计参数的设定 16
3.4.1 设计压力和设计温度 16
3.4.2 人孔、接管位置及尺寸的确定 16
3.4.3 腐蚀余量的确定 17
3.5 设计原则 17
3.5.1 设计规范的确定 17
3.5.2 压力试验方法 17
3.6 球壳设计 18
3.6.1 材料选用 18
3.6.2 球罐支柱数和分带角的确定 18
3.6.3 混合式结构的排板计算 18
3.6.4 球壳 19
3.6.5 开孔补强 20
3.6.6 安全泄放设计 21
3.6.7 法兰密封 21
3.7 球罐支柱与拉杆 21
3.7.1 球罐的连接结构确定 21
3.8 制造要求 22
3.8.1 球壳板 22
3.8.2 坡口 22
第四章球罐的强度计算 24
4.1 设计条件 24
4.2 球壳计算 25
4.2.1 计算压力 25
4.3 球壳各带的厚度计算 26
4.4 球罐质量计算 26
4.5 地震载荷计算 27
4.5.1 自振周期 27
4.5.2 地震力 27
4.6 弯矩计算 27
4.7 支座底板 28
4.7.1 支座底板直径 28
第五章致谢 29
参考文献 30