Display stents cover plastic injecting mold design
This article mainly introduced the Display stents cover plastic's injection mold design, its material is ABS. According to the ABS plastic's craft characteristic and the product operation requirements, have analyzed the BrackerandHousing unique feature and the formation craft. This design uses the CAD technology to carry on the mold assembly drawing and the detail drawing plan. Carried on the formation spare part, the gating system to the mold, lateral to pull out the core organization, to promote the mold emptier and cooling system's project analysis. Finally, completes the mold final assembly drawing design and the main detail drawing plan, thus guarantees the mold structure the reliability, the rationality and the usability.
Key Words: mould;design;CAD;Pro/E
1 概论 1摘
Display stents cover plastic injecting mold design
This article mainly introduced the Display stents cover plastic's injection mold design, its material is ABS. According to the ABS plastic's craft characteristic and the product operation requirements, have analyzed the BrackerandHousing unique feature and the formation craft. This design uses the CAD technology to carry on the mold assembly drawing and the detail drawing plan. Carried on the formation spare part, the gating system to the mold, lateral to pull out the core organization, to promote the mold emptier and cooling system's project analysis. Finally, completes the mold final assembly drawing design and the main detail drawing plan, thus guarantees the mold structure the reliability, the rationality and the usability.
Key Words: mould;design;CAD;Pro/E
1.1绪论 1
1.2国内、外塑料模具发展现状 1
1.3塑料模具发展走势 2
2 零件结构分析 4
3 分析塑件使用材料的种类 6
3.1苯乙烯-丁二烯-丙烯腈(ABS)的注射成型工艺参数 6
3.2分型面的设计 7
3.3型腔的分布 8
3.4塑件尺寸产生误差的原因 9
3.5塑件收缩率与模具尺寸的关系 9
4 注射机的初选择 10
4.1塑件体积的计算 10
4.2计算塑件的质量: 10
4.3按注射机的最大注射量与初确定型腔数目 10
4.4选择注射机及注射`机的主要参数 11
4.4.1选择注射机 11
4.4.2注射机主要参数 11
4.5 注射基本压力 11
4.6 锁模力的校核 11
4.7模具厚度与开模行程 12
5 浇注系统的设计 14
5.1浇注系统的组成 14
5.2 浇注系统的设计原则 14
5.3主流道的设计 14
5.4 分浇道的设计 15
5.5浇口的设计 16
6 分型与抽芯机构的设计 17
6.1斜导柱的结构尺寸设计 17
6.2斜导柱长度计算 17
6.3抽芯力 18
6.4型腔和型芯工作尺寸计算 19
7 垫板厚度计算 24
7.1按强度计算 24
7.2按刚度计算 24
8 导向机构的设计 25
8.1导向零件的作用 25
8.2导向零件的设计 25
9 推出机构的设计 26
9.1采用顶杆的形式及其固定方法 26
9.2.顶杆在塑件上的分布 26
10 温度调节系统的设计 27
10.1冷却水回路布置的基本原则: 27
10.2冷却装置的计算 28
10.3热传导面积 29
10.4冷却水管总长度 29
10.5冷却装置结构的确定 29
11 模具的校核 30
11.1注塑工艺参数的校核 30
11.1.1 最大注塑量的校核 30
11.1.2注射压力的校核 30
11.1.3锁模力的校核 30
11.2模具安装尺寸的校核 30
11.2.1喷嘴尺寸的校核 30
11.2.2模具厚度校核 31
11.2.3模具外形尺寸校核 31
11.3开模行程的校核 31
12 确定装配图 32
13 总结 33
参考文献 34
致 谢 35