摘 要
随着高性能工程塑料的不断发展,各种塑料制品行业,该行业需要继续增长,注射成型工艺越来越多地用于成形制造的产品的各种性能要求。注塑模具设计的质量,对注塑机的生产效率直接影响成型,产品的质量和成本。模具可以是一个很好的注射成型上百万次,因为其较长的寿命,在另一方面,降低了塑件的成型和模具成本,作为一个结果,一个好的更换,维修少,从而提高生产效率。为了满足日益增长的工业需求和生活质量的需要,应继续研究和开发,已被设计来提高注塑模具的性能,满足各行各业的需求。在本设计中,通过对三通,CAD模具设计和开发利用包括凸,凹模的设计,顶出机构的设计,注射机的选择和校核,浇注系统的设计,冷却系统的设计,模具及其他工作选择。在本设计中,主要设计了以成形件的凹模与凸模的设计,冷却和浇注系统的设计。浇注系统和冷却是模具设计的核心,浇注系统的设计很大程度上影响着塑件的成型质量[ 1 ]。所以,浇注系统的设计对注塑模具设计工作至关重要。并且,模具温度对生产效率和塑件质量具有直接的影响,对模具的收缩应力与凝固时间,模具温度的控制直接影响,从而影响塑料件与模具质量的表面粗糙度与成型周期。大小的凹,凸模尺寸,冷却系统与浇注系统的结构设计与设计重点。通过这样的设计,我们首先学习了解当前的形势和发展情况,中国塑料模具结构和成型工艺的模具及注塑模具设计的基本原理。
With the development of high performance engineering plastics, plastic products industry, the industry needs to continue to grow, the injection molding process is more and more used in various performance requirements of the product manufacturing. The quality of injection mold design, the injection molding machine production efficiency directly affects molding, product quality and cost. Mold can be a very good injection molding millions of times, because of their longer life expectancy, on the other hand, reduces the cost of molding and mold plastic parts, as a result, a good replacement, repair, thereby improving the production efficiency. In order to meet the growing needs of the industry and the quality of life needs, should continue to research and development, has been designed to improve the performance of injection mold injection mold, to meet the needs of all walks of life.In this design, through the one or two point of cover on the air conditioning remote control, the design and development of CAD die comprises a convex, concave mold design, the ejection mechanism design, selection and optimization of the injection machine, the design of gating system, cooling system design, mold and other work options. In this design, designed to focus on parts of the convex, concave mold design, gating system, cooling system. The gating system is the mold design of the soul and cooling design, the design of gating system directly affects the moulding quality and production efficiency [1]. Therefore, the design of gating system is the key of the injection mold design work. At the same time, mould temperature has a direct impact on the quality of plastic parts and production efficiency, solidification time and contraction on die stress, mold temperature control of a direct impact, thus affecting the molding cycle of molds and plastic parts quality, and surface roughness. The size of the convex, concave die size, design key points and system structure design of gating system and cooling system. Through this design, we first learn to understand the situation and the current development situation, basic principle of injection mold and die design China plastic mould structure and injection molding process.
Key Words: remote base, injection mold, design, PP
目 录
摘 要 IIABstract III
目 录 IV
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1 模具的作用与地位 1
1.2 本次设计研究目的及意义 1
1.3 CAD发展概况 1
1.4 注塑模CAD内容 2
第2章 三通塑料模工艺设计 4
2.1三通塑件的工艺分析 4
2.2注射成型基本过程 5
2.3三通的设计件 7
第3章 选择和校核注射机 8
3.1注射机规格的选择 8
3.2注射机的校核 8
3.2.1注射机注射容量的校核 8
3.2.2注射机注射压力的校核 9
3.2.3注射机锁模力的校核 9
3.2.4注射机模具厚度校核注射机模具厚度校核 10
3.2.5注射机最大开模行程校核 10
3.3确定型腔数目和分模面的选择 10
3.3.1确定型腔数目 10
3.3.2分模面的选择 11
第4章 浇注系统和冷却系统设计 12
4.1浇注系统设计 12
5.1.2 流道系统设计 12
4.1.3浇口设计 14
4.1.4冷料穴和拉料杆设计 14
4.1.5浇注系统的平衡 15
4.2排气系统的设计 15
4.3冷却系统设计 15
4.3.1设计冷却系统的必要性 15
4.3.2冷却系统尺寸计算 16
第5章 其他零部件结构设计 18
5.1脱模机构设计 18
5.1.1脱模机构的分类 18
5.1.2脱模机构设计原则 18
5.2导向机构设计 18
5.2.1导向机构设计原则 18
5.2.2导柱的外形尺寸计算 19
5.2.3导向孔的设计 19
5.2.4导柱的数量和布置 20
5.3定位圈 20
5.3.1定位圈的定义 20
5.3.2导柱的数量和布置 20
5.4主流道衬套 20
5.5其他结构零件设计 20
第6章 注塑模侧分型机构分析 22
6.1 斜导柱侧分型机构 22
6.2 弯销侧分型机构 22
6.3 液压侧抽芯机构 23
6.4 斜导槽侧向分型与抽芯机构 24
6.5 成型零件的设计 25
6.5.1 成型零件刚材的选用 25
6.5.2 成型零件工作尺寸计算 26
第7章 模具的校核 28
7.1 工艺参数的校核 28
7.1.1注射量校核 28
7.1.2 锁模力校核 28
7.1.3 最大注射压力校核 28
7.2 安装参数校核 29
7.2.1 模具厚度校核 29
7.2.2 模板尺寸校核 29
致谢 30
参考文献 31