摘 要
Based on the hook base injection abrasive tool design
This topic mainly aimed at the base of the hook to the mold design, through the process and structure analysis and comparison, the final design out a pair of injection mold. The subject from the product structure craft, specific die structure combined with the specific circumstances of the gating system of injection moulds, mold molding part and ejection mechanism, cooling system and other aspects in detail design. Through the whole design process shows that the mould can achieve the plastic parts required processing technology. Mainly used in the design of the application of Pro/e software on the hook base products parts modelling; Using CAD to hook base for mold design. Main completed on the base of the hook to process structure analysis; Plastic pieces of volume and weight calculation; Injection mold structure to determine, gating system design, launch mechanism design, the structure design of the cavity and core mold the calculation of heating and cooling systems, and according to the proportion to draw a general assembly drawing.
According to the specific structure of peg base, the mold design is key is in the gating system and the parting surface design. Mould with one module and two cavities single parting surface side of the gate into the water. Its advantage is that the mould structure is simple, improve the manufacturing accuracy, saving materials, greatly improves the production efficiency and economic benefits.
Key words: hook base, injection mold, Pro/e
目 录
摘 要
Based on the hook base injection abrasive tool design
This topic mainly aimed at the base of the hook to the mold design, through the process and structure analysis and comparison, the final design out a pair of injection mold. The subject from the product structure craft, specific die structure combined with the specific circumstances of the gating system of injection moulds, mold molding part and ejection mechanism, cooling system and other aspects in detail design. Through the whole design process shows that the mould can achieve the plastic parts required processing technology. Mainly used in the design of the application of Pro/e software on the hook base products parts modelling; Using CAD to hook base for mold design. Main completed on the base of the hook to process structure analysis; Plastic pieces of volume and weight calculation; Injection mold structure to determine, gating system design, launch mechanism design, the structure design of the cavity and core mold the calculation of heating and cooling systems, and according to the proportion to draw a general assembly drawing.
According to the specific structure of peg base, the mold design is key is in the gating system and the parting surface design. Mould with one module and two cavities single parting surface side of the gate into the water. Its advantage is that the mould structure is simple, improve the manufacturing accuracy, saving materials, greatly improves the production efficiency and economic benefits.
Key words: hook base, injection mold, Pro/e
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2 模具的发展 1
1.3 本设计研究的主要内容 1
1.4 毕业设计的意义 2
2 成型工艺分析 3
2.1 塑件形状 3
2.2 ABS材料分析 3
2.3 塑料成型工艺性能分析 4
2.4 塑件尺寸精度分析 4
2.4.1 塑件的表面质量分析 5
2.4.2 塑件的表面粗糙度分析 5
2.5 结构工艺性分析 5
3 成型设备的选择 7
3.1 注射机的分类 7
3.2 注塑机的基本结构与功能 7
3.3 注塑机类型的选用以及相关参数的校核 8
3.3.1 估算塑件体积 8
3.3.2 凝料在分型面上的投影面积及所需锁模力的计算 9
3.3.3 注塑机型号的选择 9
3.3.4 注射机相关参数的校核 10
4 挂钩底座注塑模具的设计 12
4.1 分型面的选择与排气系统的设计 12
1.1 引言 1
1.2 模具的发展 1
1.3 本设计研究的主要内容 1
1.4 毕业设计的意义 2
2 成型工艺分析 3
2.1 塑件形状 3
2.2 ABS材料分析 3
2.3 塑料成型工艺性能分析 4
2.4 塑件尺寸精度分析 4
2.4.1 塑件的表面质量分析 5
2.4.2 塑件的表面粗糙度分析 5
2.5 结构工艺性分析 5
3 成型设备的选择 7
3.1 注射机的分类 7
3.2 注塑机的基本结构与功能 7
3.3 注塑机类型的选用以及相关参数的校核 8
3.3.1 估算塑件体积 8
3.3.2 凝料在分型面上的投影面积及所需锁模力的计算 9
3.3.3 注塑机型号的选择 9
3.3.4 注射机相关参数的校核 10
4 挂钩底座注塑模具的设计 12
4.1 分型面的选择与排气系统的设计 12
4.1.1 分型面的选择 12
4.1.2 排气糟的设计 12
4.2 塑件成型方案的确定 13
4.2.1 型腔数目的对比 13
4.2.2 两大浇注系统的对比 14
4.2.3 方案的确定 14
4.3 模具腔数的确定 15
4.4 浇注系统的设计 15
4.4.1 确定浇口位置 15
4.4.2 主流道的设计 16
4.4.3 分流道的设计 17
4.4.4 冷料穴的设计 17
4.5 成型零部件设计 18
4.5.1 型腔径向尺寸 18
4.5.2 型腔深度 18
4.5.3 型芯径向尺寸 18
4.5.4 型芯高度 19
4.5.5 型腔的设计 19
4.5.6 型芯的设计 20
4.6 模架的选用 21
4.6.1 选购标准模架的优点 21
4.6.2 模架的选择 21
4.6.3 模架与注射机相关参数的校核 23
4.7 导向机构的设计 24
4.7.1 导向机构的功用 24
4.7.2 导向机构的设计 24
4.8 温度调节系统的设计 26
4.8.1 温度调节系统设计原理 26
4.8.2 模具冷却系统的设计 274.1.2 排气糟的设计 12
4.2 塑件成型方案的确定 13
4.2.1 型腔数目的对比 13
4.2.2 两大浇注系统的对比 14
4.2.3 方案的确定 14
4.3 模具腔数的确定 15
4.4 浇注系统的设计 15
4.4.1 确定浇口位置 15
4.4.2 主流道的设计 16
4.4.3 分流道的设计 17
4.4.4 冷料穴的设计 17
4.5 成型零部件设计 18
4.5.1 型腔径向尺寸 18
4.5.2 型腔深度 18
4.5.3 型芯径向尺寸 18
4.5.4 型芯高度 19
4.5.5 型腔的设计 19
4.5.6 型芯的设计 20
4.6 模架的选用 21
4.6.1 选购标准模架的优点 21
4.6.2 模架的选择 21
4.6.3 模架与注射机相关参数的校核 23
4.7 导向机构的设计 24
4.7.1 导向机构的功用 24
4.7.2 导向机构的设计 24
4.8 温度调节系统的设计 26
4.8.1 温度调节系统设计原理 26
4.9 模具材料选择 28
4.10 模具的装配 29
4.10.1 模具的装配顺序 29
4.11 模具动作过程 30
5 结 论 32
参考文献 34