摘 要
6) 运用自动分型、修补开口以及孔洞还有自动生成型芯跟型腔的方法。把握好镶块、抽芯以及脱模方向等几个关键问题 , 就可以实现比较复杂的塑料模具的快速设计。
关键词: CAD;模块; 快速准确; 塑料模具
6) 运用自动分型、修补开口以及孔洞还有自动生成型芯跟型腔的方法。把握好镶块、抽芯以及脱模方向等几个关键问题 , 就可以实现比较复杂的塑料模具的快速设计。
关键词: CAD;模块; 快速准确; 塑料模具
Injection molding is a very important position in the whole manufacturing industry. According to the data analysis, injection molding products can be accounted for about 1/3 of the total production of all mold plastic products, and injection mold can be accounted for about 1/2 of the total number of plastic molding die. The importance of injection mold in the mold industry is evident. And now, the traditional method of the design and manufacture of injection mold can not meet the needs of the development of modern production. In order to win the competition, the market, the sustainable development, the mold production must change the traditional production method, thus the introduction of new technology, new thinking.
Look at today's computer technology with each passing day, the computer is applied to the injection mold and manufacturing industry which has been imminent. The main research work and results are as follows:
1) this article specifically describes the mold CAD technology characteristics and advanced manufacturing mode in the mold industry, the specific application, on the analysis of the research status and development trend of domestic and international mold CAD based, and puts forward the new method based on computer application technology assisted model is a means of fixture design.
2) mainly for common injection mold and molding method were analysis and research, in order to achieve the design of injection mould for the purpose of intelligent process.
3) familiar with the basic knowledge of injection mold design, based on the specific analysis of the system and get the overall framework of the specific system, to understand the system needs to achieve the function, choose a good design tools. The key technology of module design of injection mold is analyzed and discussed.
4) through the system architecture and functional modules of the specific analysis, the system for the design of the function, the division of the system function module. The specific content of the design process and the design framework of the system are analyzed.
5) based on the injection mold design module, such as design of molding parts, demoulding mechanism design, the temperature control system design, exhaust system design;
6) using automatic parting, repair openings and holes, as well as automatic generation of core and cavity. The rapid design of complex plastic mould can be realized by grasping the key problems such as insert block, core pulling and ejection direction.
7) users to use the system of injection mold design, can fast, easy and accurate to search and calculate the required design parameters. In the process of mould design can also modify or increase or decrease in the content to improve the parameters in the table of content, to make the software more growth, which greatly limits the use existing knowledge and previous experience in the design, to avoid duplication of work, can further speed up the new mold design. It is an important technical means for the rapid and intelligent mold design.
Key words:CAD; Module; Fast and Accurate; Plastics Mold
目 录
引言 1
第一章塑件工艺分析 1
1.1 材料分析 1
1.2 塑件的结构分析 1
1.3 制件的精度分析 2
1.4 粗糙度分析 3
1.5 脱模斜度 3
1.6 表面质量分析 4

2.1 模具结构 5
2.2 初选注射机的型号 5
第三章确定塑件的工艺参数 7
第四章注射模的结构设计 8
4.1 型腔排列方式和它的数目的确定 8
4.2 分型面的选择 8
4.3 确定浇注系统 9
4.3.1 主注道的设计 10
4.3.2 分流道设计 11
4.3.3 分流道的尺寸和它的形状 11
4.3.4 浇口的设计 12
4.3.5 确定型腔型芯的固定形式和型腔型芯的结构 12
4.3.6 此次模具选取的是推杆一次推出机构 13
4.3.7 合模导向机构的设计 13
4.3.8 排气机构的设计 13
4.3.9 温度调节系统的设计 13
第五章有关模具的计算 14
5.1 模具工作尺寸的计算 14
5.1.1 计算型腔的经向尺寸 14
5.1.2 型芯经向尺寸的计算 15
5.1.3 型腔深度及型芯高度的计算 16
5.1.4 孔距的计算 16
5.1.5 型腔固定板周界尺寸的计算 17
第六章 注射机有关参数的校核 18
6.1 选用注射机 18
6.2 锁模力的校核 19
6.3 开模距离校核 19
6.4 模具外形尺寸的验查 20
6.5 开模行程的验查 20
第七章结束语 21
参考文献 23
4.3.5 确定型腔型芯的固定形式和型腔型芯的结构 12
4.3.6 此次模具选取的是推杆一次推出机构 13
4.3.7 合模导向机构的设计 13
4.3.8 排气机构的设计 13
4.3.9 温度调节系统的设计 13
第五章有关模具的计算 14
5.1 模具工作尺寸的计算 14
5.1.1 计算型腔的经向尺寸 14
5.1.2 型芯经向尺寸的计算 15
5.1.3 型腔深度及型芯高度的计算 16
5.1.4 孔距的计算 16
5.1.5 型腔固定板周界尺寸的计算 17
第六章 注射机有关参数的校核 18
6.1 选用注射机 18
6.2 锁模力的校核 19
6.3 开模距离校核 19
6.4 模具外形尺寸的验查 20
6.5 开模行程的验查 20
第七章结束语 21
参考文献 23
致谢 24