模具是近代工业大量生产时所经常使用的一项重要工业与技术。模具制造的精密程度和技术层次,对于所生产的产品品质,生产原料的有效应用,和生产能力的提高等方面,都有非常大的的影响。 模具业在工业中有着非常重要的位置,而模具业又是以塑料模为主。跟我们生活离不开的的家电产品,电信产品及汽车零件中,绝大部分都是塑料制品。 科技文明的进步,我们的生活水平也在不断提高,工业社会里也会有各产品推陈出新。想要实现此目的,就必须用模具实现大量生产,这样才能够尺寸稳定,经济实用。
关键词:外部螺纹 ;螺纹抽芯 ;齿轮齿条机构
Mold is an important industrial and techniques of modern industrial mass production frequently used. Mold manufacturing sophistication and technical level, for the production of quality products, effective use of raw materials, and production capacity increase, etc., have a very big impact. Mold industry in the industry has a very important position, and the plastic mold industry in turn is based. Now we can not live without home appliances, telecommunication products and automobile parts, most are plastic products. Technological advances of civilization, and our standard of living is also rising, industrial society will have all product innovation. Want to achieve this goal, we must achieve mass production mold, so as to dimensionally stable, economical and practical.
The design of the design problem is stoppered injection mold design, due to the structural characteristics and the essential characteristics stoppered and choose its type of production, the production of plastic parts for the mass production, PS (polystyrene) and plastic molding Features Features cover plug structure, designed to cover the plug injection mold is more reasonable. Since the cover plug for the everyday common parts, its precision is not very high. However, due to structural reasons for this special plastic parts, molded in molding outer thread when needed, so that the mold structure becomes relatively complicated, thus increasing the difficulty during assembly. For the production of thread forming, the mold structure requires the use of thread pulling mechanism, to facilitate the extraction of the core thread, using the rack and pinion mold core pulling, you can use ordinary horizontal injection molding machines, due to the precision plastic parts not high, molded parts machining easier.
The mold is used in a two cavity mold, but overall the mold body is relatively simple, relatively easy to manufacture, not very long production cycle, thus saving the cost of processing enterprises unit, greatly reducing the mold manufacturing cycle.
Keywords: external thread; thread core pulling; rack and pinion mechanism
目 录
第一章 模具工艺规程的编制 1
1.1 塑件的工艺性分析 1
1.1.1 塑件的原材料分析 1
1.2计算塑件的体积和质量 2
1.3塑件注塑工艺参数的确定 3
第二章 注塑模的结构设计 4
2.1 分型面的选择 4
2.2 确定型腔的排列方式 4
2.3浇注系统的设计 5
2.3.1主流道设计 5
2.3.2分流道的设计 5
2.3.3浇口的设计 5
2.3.4排气槽的设计 6
2.4 成型零件的结构设计 6
2.4.1型腔的结构设计 6
2.4.2型芯的结构设计 6
第三章 模具设计的有关计算 7
3.1型腔和型芯工作尺寸的计算 7
3.2螺纹型环径向尺寸计算 7
3.3 型腔底板厚度计算 8
3.4 螺纹抽芯机构设计 9
第四章 模具加热和冷却系统的计算 12
4.1 求塑件在硬化时每小时释放的热量Q1 12
第五章 模具闭合高度的确定 13
第六章 注塑机有关参数的校核 14
第七章 结构与辅助零部件的设计 15
7.1 导柱的选用 15
7.2 导套的选用 15
第八章 绘制模具总装配图和非标零件工作图 17
第九章 模具的装配与调试 18
9.1 模具的装配 18
9.2试模 18
9.3 试模可能产生的问题及改善措施 19
9.3.1 粘着模腔 19
9.3.2 粘着模芯 19
9.3.3 粘着主流道 20
9.3.4 成型缺陷 20
9.3.5 调整措施 22
结论 23
参考文献 24
致谢 25
模具是近代工业大量生产时所经常使用的一项重要工业与技术。模具制造的精密程度和技术层次,对于所生产的产品品质,生产原料的有效应用,和生产能力的提高等方面,都有非常大的的影响。 模具业在工业中有着非常重要的位置,而模具业又是以塑料模为主。跟我们生活离不开的的家电产品,电信产品及汽车零件中,绝大部分都是塑料制品。 科技文明的进步,我们的生活水平也在不断提高,工业社会里也会有各产品推陈出新。想要实现此目的,就必须用模具实现大量生产,这样才能够尺寸稳定,经济实用。
关键词:外部螺纹 ;螺纹抽芯 ;齿轮齿条机构
Mold is an important industrial and techniques of modern industrial mass production frequently used. Mold manufacturing sophistication and technical level, for the production of quality products, effective use of raw materials, and production capacity increase, etc., have a very big impact. Mold industry in the industry has a very important position, and the plastic mold industry in turn is based. Now we can not live without home appliances, telecommunication products and automobile parts, most are plastic products. Technological advances of civilization, and our standard of living is also rising, industrial society will have all product innovation. Want to achieve this goal, we must achieve mass production mold, so as to dimensionally stable, economical and practical.
The design of the design problem is stoppered injection mold design, due to the structural characteristics and the essential characteristics stoppered and choose its type of production, the production of plastic parts for the mass production, PS (polystyrene) and plastic molding Features Features cover plug structure, designed to cover the plug injection mold is more reasonable. Since the cover plug for the everyday common parts, its precision is not very high. However, due to structural reasons for this special plastic parts, molded in molding outer thread when needed, so that the mold structure becomes relatively complicated, thus increasing the difficulty during assembly. For the production of thread forming, the mold structure requires the use of thread pulling mechanism, to facilitate the extraction of the core thread, using the rack and pinion mold core pulling, you can use ordinary horizontal injection molding machines, due to the precision plastic parts not high, molded parts machining easier.
The mold is used in a two cavity mold, but overall the mold body is relatively simple, relatively easy to manufacture, not very long production cycle, thus saving the cost of processing enterprises unit, greatly reducing the mold manufacturing cycle.
Keywords: external thread; thread core pulling; rack and pinion mechanism
目 录
第一章 模具工艺规程的编制 1
1.1 塑件的工艺性分析 1
1.1.1 塑件的原材料分析 1
1.2计算塑件的体积和质量 2
1.3塑件注塑工艺参数的确定 3
第二章 注塑模的结构设计 4
2.1 分型面的选择 4
2.2 确定型腔的排列方式 4
2.3浇注系统的设计 5
2.3.1主流道设计 5
2.3.2分流道的设计 5
2.3.3浇口的设计 5
2.3.4排气槽的设计 6
2.4 成型零件的结构设计 6
2.4.1型腔的结构设计 6
2.4.2型芯的结构设计 6
第三章 模具设计的有关计算 7
3.1型腔和型芯工作尺寸的计算 7
3.2螺纹型环径向尺寸计算 7
3.3 型腔底板厚度计算 8
3.4 螺纹抽芯机构设计 9
第四章 模具加热和冷却系统的计算 12
4.1 求塑件在硬化时每小时释放的热量Q1 12
第五章 模具闭合高度的确定 13
第六章 注塑机有关参数的校核 14
第七章 结构与辅助零部件的设计 15
7.1 导柱的选用 15
7.2 导套的选用 15
第八章 绘制模具总装配图和非标零件工作图 17
第九章 模具的装配与调试 18
9.1 模具的装配 18
9.2试模 18
9.3 试模可能产生的问题及改善措施 19
9.3.1 粘着模腔 19
9.3.2 粘着模芯 19
9.3.3 粘着主流道 20
9.3.4 成型缺陷 20
9.3.5 调整措施 22
结论 23
参考文献 24
致谢 25