Die is an important process equipment for the production of various industrial products. With the rapid development of the plastics industry and the promotion and application of plastic products in various industrial sectors, the requirements of the products on the moulds are also getting higher and higher, and traditional mould design methods can no longer be adapted. Today's request. Compared with the traditional mold design, computer-aided design (CAD) technology has great advantages in terms of improving productivity, ensuring product quality, reducing costs, and reducing labor intensity.

Excavators are used for excavation, loading and unloading, lifting, piling, rammed earth, crushing, demolition and other operations in construction and emergency rescue operations. The control part of the excavator is placed in the control box. The rotation, excavation and loading and unloading operations are accomplished by controlling the front handle of the control box. The traditional excavator control box lacks intelligent control function settings and cannot meet the upgrading requirements of excavators working in hazardous environments. Manipulating the cabinet box requires changing its form according to the needs of intelligent control. This topic carries out the design and simulation of the injection mold according to the requirements of the excavator's intelligent operation box.
Keywords Injection mold Computer Aided Design
Die is an important process equipment for the production of various industrial products. With the rapid development of the plastics industry and the promotion and application of plastic products in various industrial sectors, the requirements of the products on the moulds are also getting higher and higher, and traditional mould design methods can no longer be adapted. Today's request. Compared with the traditional mold design, computer-aided design (CAD) technology has great advantages in terms of improving productivity, ensuring product quality, reducing costs, and reducing labor intensity.

摘要 ………………………I
Abstract ………………………II
目录 ………………………1
1.绪论 ………………………3 | ||||||
1.1 | 选题的背景及意义 ………………………3 | |||||
1.2 | 外国模具的发展现状 ………………………3 | |||||
1.3 | 我国模具的发展现状 ………………………3 | |||||
1.4 | 我国模具的发展前景 ………………………4 | |||||
1.5 | 注塑机的发展历史 ………………………4 | |||||
1.6 | 建模软件AUTOCAD介绍 ………………………5 | |||||
2.箱体工艺性分析 ………………………6 | ||||||
2.1 | 确认箱体的设计要求 ………………………6 | |||||
2.2 | 注塑件材料分析 ………………………6 | |||||
2.3 | “ | |||||
注塑件结构工艺分析 ………………………8 | ||||||
2.4 | 中 | |||||
注塑模具工艺参数 ………………………8 | ||||||
2.5注塑粗糙度分析 ………………………9 | ||||||
国 | ||||||
2.6分析注塑件的精度等级 ………………………9 | ||||||
2.7初步选定塑料注射机的规格和型号 ………………………9 | ||||||
知 | ||||||
3.确定型腔形式 ………………………10 | ||||||
网 | ||||||
3.1型腔的选择 ………………………11 | ” | |||||
3.1.1整体式型腔 ………………………11 | ||||||
3.1.2组合式型腔 ………………………11 | ||||||
3.2型腔的设计 ………………………11 | ||||||
4.分型面的选择 ………………………14 | ||||||
5.设计浇注系统 ………………………16 | ||||||
5.1 | 主流道设计 ………………………16 | |||||
5.2分流道的设计和布置 ………………………17 | ||||||
5.3 | 浇口的设计和布置 ………………………17 | |||||
5.4 | 冷却系统的设计 ………………………17 | |||||
5.5 | 计算水道的直径 ………………………19 | |||||
6.确定注塑件的脱模方式 ………………………21 | ||||||
6.1 | 设计注塑件脱模装置 ………………………21 | |||||
6.2 | 确定注塑件的推出方式 ………………………21 | |||||
6.3 | 计算注塑件的脱模力 ………………………21 | |||||
6.3.1计算注塑件芯脱的模力 ………………………22 | ||||||
6.4 | 确定模具推杆的尺寸 ………………………23 | |||||
7 .校核注射设备的相关技术参数 ………………………24 | ||||||
7.2校核注射机的注射压力 ………………………24
7.3校核锁模力 ………………………24
7.4校核模具具体尺寸 ………………………24
7.4.1校核模具的长宽高 ………………………24
7.4.2校核模具定位圈的直径 ………………………25
8 .绘制模具零件图和装配图 ………………………26
结论 ………………………28
致谢 ………………………31
参考文献 ………………………32